Chapter 23

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Alexa's P.O.V   The morning came fast and i had spent my night with Nick, nothing happened between us except for a huge make out session. It was still fun though, hearing his moans as I played with him, by nipping at his marking spot, I know we already marked each other, but I did it again. I sunk my canines into his neck where I marked him the first time and his arms went around me pushing me back on the bed, he got on top of me, biting into my neck.    "Fair is fair." Nick said, smirking after he pulled his canines out. I laughed as we laid side by side, I waited for him to fall asleep, then I linked Rachel to make sure she's ok.    "Rachel, I just wanted to make sure that you're ok, before I go to sleep. I'll see you tomorrow morning my friend." I mind-linked her and it took a few minutes, but she replied.   "Hey, yeah I'm ok, was just a little surprised that's all, I'll see you in the morning just come into the trainers house and I'll explain." Rachel replied.   "Will do, goodnight try to sleep." I replied, closing the link. I laid back in bed, but I was still worried about Rachel, the look on her face stayed in my head and it was a little confusing, but I'm sure I'll understand once we have talked.   Blue's P.O.V   I was sure I would have gotten to see her this morning, before I had to head out to guard the territory. All I wanted was to see her, but she stayed inside and a few minutes later I saw Alexa. She came out of the pack house, but before she got to the trainers house, I called to her and jogged over to her before she could go any further.    "Hey Alexa, I know this is a little weird, but I was wondering if you knew what's wrong with Rachel, she just ran from me yesterday. Please just let her know I won't give up." I said, Alexa listened to me as she stood there, but only shook her head.   "I really don't know what's going on, I'm still new to this mate thing and I'm still learning. I'll try to find out something today, I'll try and ask if she will talk to you about it, but If she doesn't today, then please be patient. Don't give up ok." Alexa replied and I nodded.   "I have to get going, she's waiting." Alexa continued, taking her leave of me.   "Thank you Alexa." I said, as she walked towards the trainers house.    Alexa's P.O.V    I reached the trainers house, knocked a couple of times and Rachel opened the door, letting me inside. I couldn't help but notice her look around outside, before she shut the door, I sat on the couch waiting for Rachel to join me. Rachel came into the living room sitting beside me and handing me a glass of sweet tea. We sat in silence for a long time and then Rachel turned, looking at me smiling.   "I know you saw me run from Blue yesterday. There's a story to that, a long one, if you have the time, I'll tell you the story." Rachel said, I smiled and sat there for a few minutes thinking.    "Well I know Nick is in the office doing pack business, I told him I'll see him later, so I have plenty of time. I'm still new to this mate thing, I thought that when you found your mate, the bond is so strong that all you want to do is stay with him, be by his side and mate, unless I was informed wrong." I replied, Rachel took a deep breath and then sighed.    "It's a little like that, but much much stronger. You don't want any other females around him and vice versa, that's the reason why you mark each other, so they know you're taken. I had a mate four years ago and we were like one, where he was I was and vice versa, we were a strong team. We battled together, trained together and even hunted together, he was an amazing man, when he was smiling his green eyes lit up and his smile brightened up the room. We were out hunting one morning, the warriors and guards had already done a run of the territory to make sure everything was clear and there were no rogues. We ran for hours, hunting and taking down a couple of deer that we could take back for a bbq that night. We had to shift back to human form to carry the deer and started walking back to the pack house, when we heard loud growls. We had no choice but to toss the deer to the side and turn to fight, there were so many of them and I guess they smelled blood from the deer, but we didn't know how they got past the warriors and the guards. My guess is that they waited until they saw an opening when they left." Rachel said, she stopped for a moment, taking a sip of her drink and took a deep breath, continuing.   "They attacked us head on, it was only two of us and ten of them. We fought hard, but they kept coming and we didn't know how they were getting inside. I howled as loud as I could so the pack knew we were in trouble, but I got hit hard and was knocked out. When I awoke I was in the pack hospital, I kept asking where my mate Matt was, but no one told me. My sister Braylan came to see me and she told me that when they found us, I was knocked out and Matt was dead. They were guessing that he killed so many because the smell of death was bringing buzzards and other creatures. Matt's body was buried and when I recovered, I went to say my goodbyes, but I never got over him. I blame myself, I should have fought with him and died with him. When I found out I had a second chance mate, I freaked out. I'm not ready and I'm scared. What will happen if rogues attack and we are outnumbered and something happens? I don't want that to happen again, I won't let it happen again." Rachel continued, as she kept talking about her past, I sat there listening and when she was finally done, she looked up and had tears in her eyes. I hugged her until she stopped crying and when she looked up, she smiled
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