A Strange Urge

1277 Words

[Diego’s POV] I don’t bother thinking much of Chanel’s words as she heads out to help Clement and healer Murdoch. There really wasn’t any point in it anyway; that woman talked for the hell of talking most of the time. Tearing my gaze away from the direction she disappeared, I look at the woman who remains unconscious. Despite the black marks still marring her skin, her complexion was getting better. That’s good. I think inwardly and then immediately freeze. “What the hell?” Why would I give a damn whether or not she was alright? Since she did what she was meant to do, our companionship would end here. I didn’t need her anymore and could go back to my mundane days. At least, that was what I wanted to think. However, as this thought hits me, I feel that annoying sensation in my chest on

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