21 - No Sense

1826 Words

~~Carter's PoV~~ I was completely shocked when Quinn walked into my office. After the way things had gone when she saw my face, I honestly didn't know if she would ever talk to me again and I definitely didn't expect her to today. She didn't look happy to be here, and she sat as far away from me as she possibly could, but at least she was here. At least she was asking questions, even if they were sharp and pointed, and I tried to answer her as honestly as I could. After I had spoken to her on the phone last night, I had pulled out all the files we had on the men who'd been killed, the ones I had never been able to bring myself to look at before. In each of them was a photo, their code name and their real names and details of their family. I remembered them all, of course. We had spent s

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