16 - Dining in the Dark

1876 Words

~~Quinn's PoV~~ “Earth to Quinn!” I glance up, startled, as Naya waves a hand in front of my face. “Huh? What?” She grins as she leans back in her chair and takes a sip of her coffee. “That's the tenth time you've spaced out on me today. It must have been some kiss.” We're having coffee together at a café downtown on her break from work. Rosie is sleeping in her carrier beside me and Naya had been telling me about her new project. She works for the Defense Forces too, but not as a warrior. She's an engineer, designing equipment that will help to protect us in battle. It's fascinating work and normally I love to listen to her talk about it, but she's right: today, I am completely distracted. And she's right about the reason too. I already told her about my evening with Jeff, of course.

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