19 - Revelation

1913 Words

~~Carter's PoV~~ I thought I was prepared. I hadn't slept at all last night. How could I, after the things Quinn had said about me? By now I know her well enough to know that she isn't a mean-spirited person. I'd never heard her say a negative word about anyone, so it was shocking when she did, and even more so when those words were directed against me. She had no idea. As she listed off all the ways the prince had wronged her, she had no idea she was talking to him. To me. To us both. Just like I had no idea who she was until she spelled it out for me in such vivid detail. Her words filled me with shame, because they were true. There was nothing she said that was a lie. I was selfish and I had hurt her, even if I hadn't meant to. My dreams for the evening seemed like a distant memor

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