Chapter 6: The Lake

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Skylar's P.O.V "Wow, this place is beautiful." I said in total awe as I pushed past a large branch and made my way down to the bank. The water was so clear and pure, it was practically inviting you to swim in it, and there were a flock of birds flying over head, soaring through the air majestically. Bright green lily pads floated on the edge of the river peacefully and a deer was bent down on the other side of the river, munching down on the long grass. "What is this place?" I asked in wonder. "It's the place where my parents first met. They've been taking me and my brother and Lola here, since we were kids. No-one really knows about it so I think of it as my personal paradise and safe place." "It is pretty amazing." He grins and runs a hand through his thick locks. "I knew you would love it. Come on, let's go sit down." He dragged me over to a nearby tree and parked himself down by it. I sat next to him and leant against the hard stump. Bringing my knees up to my chest, I let my head flop back and closed my eyes, just listening to the sound of birds chirping. "You're beautiful." I hear Alex whisper into my ear, causing my eyes to shoot back open. "What?" He smiled and leaned in close, tucking a strand of blonde hair behind my ear. "I said you're beautiful. More beautiful than any of those bitches, so why do you let them get to you? You're strong and powerful and smart. You could easily beat all their asses if you just.." "Use my powers, and then what? Lose control and kill them all." I snap, quickly pulling away from him. "You can control it. You just need to try and have the right motivation." "Try? I just need to try. Do you think I have, and over and over again I've failed. I can't risk hurting anyone." I spat in anger, my blood starting to boil. "So what? You're just going to let them hurt you? You're going to spend the rest of your life being a pushover, being their bitch." He practically shouts at me. I scoff and moved to get up, when he grabs my arm and pulled me into him. I fall onto his lap, inches away from his face, and watch as closed his eyes. He takes a few deep breaths, before opening them back up again and trailing his fingers up and down my cheek. "I'm sorry." He whispered so quietly I could barely hear him and then he muttered it again and again and again. "It's okay, let's just talk about something else." I offer up a smile and he returns it, as I climb off his lap and sit back in my spot. "So, how's school?" He tried to stifle his laughter but failed miserably. "How's school? That's your great question?" I shove him away playfully and giggle. "Shut up, at least I said something." "Okay okay, let me try. What's your favourite movie?" "Seriously, how is that any better than mine?" He rolls his eyes and scoots a little closer towards me. "Just answer the damn question." "Fine. A Nightmare On Elm Street or Saw." He gave me a look of surprise and then let out a puff of air. "Wow, I did not see that happening." I laughed and tried to give him a serious look. "Well, I'm just one big mystery." "A mystery I can't wait to solve." That made me hunch over in laughter. "Oh god, that was cheesiest thing I've ever heard." I managed to breathe out through my hysterical fit of laughter. "Okay, okay. Can we get serious now?" I wiped a few fallen tears and nodded, still recovering from my laughing fit. "Who's the guy that touched you?" All humour was dead now and the atmosphere turned tense. I knew I had to tell him about Drake at some point but I just wasn't ready right now. "My ex. I was with him during those two years when I lived with my Aunt. I broke up with him just before I moved here and haven't seen him since." Alex gave me a small nod but I could see the anger brewing in his eyes. "Hey," I called out, grabbing ahold of his face, forcing him to look at me. "That was a long time ago and I'm sure you've been with other girls too. If it makes you feel any better, we never had sex." "He still touched you. He touched you in places that should only be touched by me." I tried to ignore the feeling do my panties dampening at the sound of his husky voice growling out those words. "Yes, but it happened. It happened and I can't change that. I'm sorry." I felt so bad. I should have saved my first kiss for my mate, I should have never let Drake get that far with me. Even though I didn't want him too. "Don't be sorry. I'm sorry, you have every right to do that stuff. We weren't mates then. I'm sorry I'm acting like a jerk." I leaned up and placed a lingering kiss onto his cheek, fighting desperately to ignore the small tingles I felt all around my body. "It's okay. Can I ask you a question now?" He nodded slowly, still in shock that I kissed him. "If you like to be alone here, why bring me?" He placed a hand on my cheek and leaned in until our noses were practically brushing against each other. "Because I don't want to be alone anymore." With that he smashed his lips into mine, devouring them like a hungry beast. I moaned and leaned up on my knees to get closer. His hands held my waist tightly and then slowly slipped down my ass. He squeezed it, earning a small gasp from me, and he plunged his tongue into my mouth. I tugged onto his hair and dove my hands into his curls. I titled my head sidewards and moaned quietly as his tongue slide across mine. He nibbled on my bottom lip slightly and groaned as I slowly started to grind against him. I pulled away for air and then placed my head on his shoulder, trying to wrap my head around what just happened. His phone buzzed but he ignored it as he started to pepper kisses up and down my neck. The buzzing started to get more frequent until he was eventually forced to look at his phone. I climbed off his lap, fixing my shirt, whilst he dealt with whatever was going on. "Shit." He muttered under his breath. "What? What happened?" I was still a little breathless after our hot make out session and my wolf was elated with our recent encounter with our mate. "I have to go straight home." He sounded extremely pissed. "You go, I'll make my own way back." He seemed hesitant so I practically pushed him over to his motorcycle. "Are you sure?" I nodded and kissed his cheek. "I'll be fine, go." I ordered and he gave me one last look, before speeding off. Okay, let's do some magic. Alex was right, I am powerful and the only way to get better is to practice. What could be better than a simple transportation spell? I closed my eyes and muttered a few Latin words, before vanishing into thin air. I opened my eyes back up to find myself back at home. It actually worked! "You're using magic." Oh s**t. I turned around, only to be greeted by possibly the most scariest sight in the world. My Aunt Jessica furious. "I had a good reason." She scoffs and crosses her arms over her chest. "What was that?" I start my story from the start, hoping it would make her feel sorry for me and dial back her anger a little. I tell her all about Bethany and the party and my mates and then the kisses. "So, you did magic because you want to practice again? You want to protect yourself against this b***h Bethany." "Yes, exactly. I just, I don't want to be weak anymore. Alex is right. I was born with these powers for a reason and sure they're a nightmare to have, but if I learned to control them properly then.." "You already tried, remember? What were those two years spent with coven?" I sighed in exasperation and sit down on my couch. "That wasn't trying. I had no motivation, I saw them as something that holds me back rather than a tool to make me more powerful. If I just try again, doing small spells and slowly build up then I'll get better, right?" "Okay, I'll leave you a book of simple spells to help get you started." I smiled at her gratefully and gave her a big hug. It's been so long since I've seen her. Her once long raven hair is now cut short and sits on her shoulders, her bangs are swept back and the piercing in her eyebrow has been taken out. "So your mates, tell me about them." "Well, Alex is kind of sweet, nice and caring. He's gentler and calmer than Jack." "Jack is Bethany's boyfriend right?" I nod and place my hands on my lap. "Right. Jack is... confusing. He kissed me and then just left. Then I caught him making out with Bethany and he just ignored me the whole day. Like I didn't mean anything to him." I was trying desperately to hold back my tears. The one thing I hate is exposing weakness in-front of people. That's why I try my best not to cry when Bethany and her gang of bullies hurt me. "Well, he sounds like a jerk. At least you have Alex." "Yeah but he hasn't really made much effort to recognise me as his mate. It's not like he's out there fighting for me." Aunt Jess gave me a sad smile and then wrapped an arm over my shoulder. "It's okay boo, those stupid boys will come to their senses soon and before you know it, you'll be shacked up with two extremely sexy guys. I mean the Walker twins, talk about getting the jackpot." "Aunt Jess." I whined, as my cheeks flames up. "What? Can you just imagine your kids? They'll have tanned skin, your beautiful blonde hair, brown eyes or maybe even your purple ones. Wow, they're gonna win the genetic lottery." I couldn't help but imagine it. A small blonde girl running away from my two handsome mates and a small dark haired boy in my arms. The perfect life. A life I'll sadly never get. ********* Alex's P.O.V I got home in record timing and rushed up into the house. My mum was fuming. Twenty texts and my phone was still vibrating furiously in my pocket. If there one thing that scares me, it's the wrath of my mum. I felt so bad about just leaving Skylar there all alone and I prayed that she made it home safely. That girl is like an addiction, I can't sleep because I'm constantly dreaming about her, I can't eat because I'm worried about her, I can't do anything without her playing on my mind. That kiss though. My, that kiss was something else altogether. I've never felt so turned on in my life, a cold shower is definitely needed tonight. I can't get over how amazing it felt to have her in my arms, to have her lips smashed against mine. God, I can only imagine how perfect it's going to feel to have her naked body pressed against mine, our bodies entangled in a night of hot passion. Fuck, I need that cold shower now. I pulled out my phone, about to shoot Skylar a quick text to see if she was alright when it quickly snatched away. "Alexander Ethan Walker, what the hell do you think you're doing skipping school again?" Seriously, I left Skylar at the lake for this. "Mum, I thought there was something seriously wrong. I thought you were in danger." She narrowed her eyes at me and stormed over, grabbing ahold of my ear, she dragged me upstairs into my father's office. "Do you know what your son did?" My mum seethed, talking directly to my dad who sighed, taking his glasses off and rubbing the sleep away from his eyes. I felt guilty, I should be helping him with the pack work. He's not getting any younger and he works himself to death, especially since we're a prominently new pack. "Alexander, what did you do to upset your mother?" I cringed. Wrong choice of words dad. "Upset me? So, you're not bothered that our son is skipping school?" "Hey, at least I don't practically f**k my girlfriend in the hallways for everyone to see." If I'm going down, I'm definitely dragging my brother down with me. "Jack is always in trouble. You though, you should know better." Just because I was born one minute earlier than my twin brother, suddenly I should be the responsible one and the smart one and the leader. I don't even care about being Alpha, that's all Jack. "Jade, let the poor boy go. He skipped school for half a day, he just needed a break. Come on honey, he's a good kid. Plus, no-one can even kick him out since he's the future alpha." My dad gave her a look that made my mum's hard exterior c***k and she finally released my poor red ear. "Fine, you're off the hook. Go, help your sister with her homework. Dinner will be ready soon." Despite talking to me, her eyes were entirely fixated on my dad who was staring back at her with pitch black eyes. Ew. "Sure mum." I muttered, knowing exactly what my parents were gonna do as soon as I left the run. I hurriedly rushed down the stairs, only to be stopped by the biggest b***h of all. "What the f**k do you want Bethany?" I snarled, baring my canines at her so she knew not to f**k me around. "Hmm, so testy. I'm guessing it's all that pent up s****l frustration. I know you and Jack like to share. You can share me. I don't mind." She purred, I'm sure that she though to be seductively. It's true. Ever since we were kids, me and Jack always knew that there would be the possibility of us having to share a mate and we didn't mind. We've shared everything since we were kids and the first and only time we've ever shared a girl was on our 16th birthday. Jack cheated on Bethany, but he didn't really care, since Bethany cheats on him too. There's a huge chance that Skylar's his mate as well, I just wonder if he knows it yet. Or if she does too. If not then I don't really care. Skylar will be all mine and Jack isn't the most affectionate guy. Sure he has a girlfriend, a girlfriend he hardly cares about, and I know that finding his mate doesn't mean a lot to him. I just hope whoever she is, she can help change him. "Back off. I don't want to touch your disgusting body, you make me sick." I spat and I ignored the hurt look that she was now wearing. "What's going on with you and the freak?" My eyes turned into angry slits and I could hear my wolf begging me to let him out and rip this b***h apart. "Nothing. Just leave me the f**k alone." I push her away and storm off, hoping she'll forget about the subject and drop it. The last thing I need is that b***h finding out that Skylar is my mate. I watch as she flings her bag over her shoulder and storms out. Good riddance. I walk into the kitchen to find Lola, my younger sister, sat at the counter doing her math work. Unlike me and Jack, Lola's home schooled. My mum is super happy about that but I know Lola is miserable. Unfortunately my mum won't budge on the subject for some unknown reason and Lola finally gave up the subject of going to school. It still kills me to see my little sister upset. "Hey Lo, what you doing?" "Algebra. It sucks." I laughed in agreement as I pulled out a cold bottle of water out of fridge and took a big drink. I spent the next couple of hours, being plagued by my thoughts. I ate my food slowly, and then helped out Lola a little. I did some school work of my own and tried to ignore the fact that something was going on with Jack. He refused to come out of his room for dinner and he hasn't even worked out yet. He's also been acting really weird and more distant than usual. My twin senses are tingling and I know that something is up with him. As his twin, it's my duty to find out. I turn off the tv and make my way up to his room. I knock on the door twice but get no reply. I slowly open the door and then step in. It was empty. I heard some grunting coming from outside and the harsh sound of wood splitting. Crap, this must be really bad. I run outside to find Jack cutting up a tree branch, using the sharp blade of an axe. "Bro, what's going on?" Better to just get straight to it. "What the f**k are you talking about? Just leave me alone." This is going to be harder than I thought. "Come on, I'm not stupid. Something is going on." He ignored me and continued to hack through the tree like it was nothing. "If you can't tell me, then who can you tell? We're brothers, twins, I'm your other half Jack. Come on," He sighed and threw the axe on the floor. "I found her." I narrowed my eyes in confusion and took another step closer. "I found my mate. It's Skylar, the freak." It felt like the air had just been knocked out of my chest. We had the same mate, we shared a mate. Surprisingly I felt both elated and a little upset at this news. I wanted her to myself but I've always loved the prospect of sharing my mate with Jack. "Well, she's my mate too." His head shot up and he looked at me in shock. "We have the same mate? We're sharing a mate?" I nodded and watched as a small smile crept up on his face but then it quickly dropped. "I kissed her. I kissed her and I ran. Then I purposely made out with Bethany in-front of her." I bawled my fists and took a few deep breaths to try and calm myself down. "Why?" The calm tone in my voice was tense and forced. "I don't know. What are we supposed to do? The pack will never accept the freak as their Luna. Plus, she's unstable. I mean, she killed her own father." Snap. "How the f**k can you say that about her? She's our mate!" I screamed, my wolf on the verge of breaking out. "A mate can easily be replaced. Bethany would be a great Luna." "Bethany would be a disaster?" I was losing it. My control was quickly slipping away. "I know but what else can we do? She can't be the Luna, no-one would accept it. Especially not dad." "He would just have to deal with it like everyone else. She's our mate Jack, does that mean nothing to you?" "She's an abomination of nature, half witch, half werewolf, she should have never existed." That's it. My wolf took over and I shifted. My wolf was a deep shade of brown and about the size of a large tree. I could easily beat just about any other wolf, except Jack was basically me. He shifted too, turning into the exact replica of my wolf, expect his fur was as black as the midnight sky. We circled each other, growling and sizing each other up, until I decided to lunge. Our large bodies collided and we rolled around, trying to snap at each other's throats. Me and my brother fight but never like this. I couldn't even describe the uncontrollable anger I felt when he insulted Skylar. From the corner of my eyes, I watch as my parents and Lola came running out. Lola looked shaken, my mum had unshed tears glistening in her eyes and my dad was shocked. He quickly snapped out of it and shifted.   A loud growl reverberated across the pack and we were both forced to submit to our Alpha. I backed away and all three of us shifted back into our human forms. My mum chucked us all a pair of black shorts, and Jack gave me one last look, before storming off into the woods. "What the f**k was that about?" My dad growled, whilst trying to comfort his mate, who was now crying. "Nothing." I growled and then stormed back inside. 
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