Chapter 7: Hot And Heavy

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Jack's P.O.V I stormed off into the dark woods, desperately trying to block out the loud cries from my mother begging me to come back. I can't believe Alex right now. He's blinded, blinded by her. It's all her fault. She shouldn't be my mate, the moon goddess obviously made some sort of mistake and now I'm trapped. Trapped by her. By her beauty, her luscious lips, her curvy body, her angelic voice. I can't even focus in class, like today in physics, I completely ignored everything the professor said and just stared at the back of her head. I memorised the way each of her dark blonde curls fell down her back, I reminisced how amazing they felt tangle between my fingers. God, she's turning me into a sappy bastard. My wolf is growling at me, his anger still running through my veins. He's pissed at Alex for challenging me, he's pissed at me for insulting Skylar. To be honest, I'm disappointed in myself too. Yeah, she's my mate and I feel something for her but Bethany's my girlfriend. Sure, it's not exactly a secure and faithful relationship. I know she sleeps around, just like she knows I do too but at the end of the day we always come back to each. We've been together on and off since we were thirteen years old. I have feelings for her but ever since Skylar came into the picture, those feelings have slowly disappeared. Now, all I feel is disgust. She has it in her mind that she's going to be the Luna of my pack, and yes, that's partly my fault. I never discouraged her when she talked about our future or how Alex is going to join our relationship. That's never going to happen though. Alex hates her guts, he has ever since he met her. He can't stand her and somedays I find her completely irritating too but I deal with it. Mostly because she's the best I've ever had in bed. Me and Alex are brother, twins. We have a bond like no other and I know that he's been waiting to find his mate ever since he turned 18. Me, I couldn't have cared less, but now, I feel strange. It's like she's always connected to me, even if she's nowhere around. She always lurking at the back of my mind, and I can't do anything without thinking about her first. I even imagine her when I have s*x. God, the things I want to do to her body. It's not just sexually though. I want to make her breakfast in bed, I want to sleep with her in my arms, I want to cuddle up on the sofa and watch Netflix. I've never had these thoughts or feelings about a person before, and that scares me. "Omi, cantea hati kap." I hear chanting in the distance. The voice like a siren beckoning me closer and my feet seem to carry me towards the enchanting voice. I can see flames of orange and yellow lighting up the darkness that I'm submerged in, and inch closer and closer. Once I'm in view of the clearing, I hide myself behind a large oak tree and duck down so I'm out of sight. I place my foot on a strong branch beneath me and step up so I get a better look. Two tipi torches are lit on either side of a blonde haired woman. Her hair is tied back into a messy bun and she's wearing tight blue jeans that shapes her large ass and a shirt that clings to her figure. Who is this beautiful angel? The chanting starts up again and I watch as tiny purple sparks shoot out of the woman's hand and hit a fallen tree trunk in-front of her. The tree suddenly bursts up into flames and I watch in amazement as the smoke emitted from the fire disappears into the midnight sky. "Yes, yes, yes. I did it, I really did it." She squeals, jumping up and down, causing her plump ass to jiggle as she does. Fuck, I'm getting hard just watching her. I move to readjust my pants, when my foot slips, and the branch snaps in two, causing a loud crunch noise to fill the air. She spins around in shock and my breath gets taken away for a second by her beauty. Skylar. ***** Skylar's P.O.V Crunch. My wolf immediately becomes alert and my eyes scan the darkness before me for any sign of an intruder. It could just be a bear, it could just be a deer, it could be a psychopath coming to murder me. I walk closer, taking small quiet steps, in order to not scare off whatever is watching me from the shadows. I bawl my fist up, ready for me to knock out my stalker, and inch a little closer. The large oak tree is the perfect spot for hiding so I make my way over to it. I notice something moving behind it but it swiftly moves to the right. f**k it. I charge forward and pull back my fist as I grab what feels like an arm and yank the p*****t forward into the light. His mocha brown eyes seem almost as in shock as I am, and I immediately let go of his bare arm. "What the f**k are you doing here?" He seems taken aback by my harsh tone but the anger from earlier is still coursing through my body. "I was on a run and then I heard chanting and I saw the fire. I was curious." He was curious? Lame pathetic excuse, although the sheer coat of sweat covering his chest does back up the story. God, I want to lick off every single droplet of sweat right off his bare chest whilst his fingers and buried deep inside my... no what am I saying. I don't have dirty thoughts, especially not about Jack Walker. "Oh well, are you going to leave now? You're kinda just staring at me," Jack continues to stare at me as if I'm his prey and it's dinner time. He takes a step forward, causing me to immediately back up against the rough bark of the tree, and he places his large hands on either side of my head. " are you doing?" I stuttered, as he buried his face into the nape of my neck. He inhaled deeply and groaned, placing his head against the tree and then pulling back to look at me. "Why do you have to smell so f*****g good?" He groaned, looking like he was cursing God for a moment. I gulped and then opened my mouth to give him a snarky comment, when his lips suddenly smashed onto mine. I fell back against the tree and moaned as his tongue immediately plunged into my mouth. I grabbed ahold of hair and pulled him impossibly closer to me. He titled his head sideways and a groan left his mouth as our tongues slid across each other. One of my hands left his hair and trailed up and down his bare back. I felt him tense up underneath my touch and I internally smirked at the effect I had on him. As if sensing my smugness, his hands slipped down and squeezed my ass, before picking me up. I gasped and then moaned, tilting my head back, as he trailed small kisses up and down my neck. I felt him sucking on the skin between my collarbone and neck, and I knew that he was working on forming a hickey. My brain was too hazy to stop him, even though I knew I would instantly regret it tomorrow morning. I yanked his head back up using his hair and kissed him hard. His kisses were completely intoxicating and I felt like I was slowly losing my mind. "Skylar." I froze and pulled away from Jack to look at Will, who staring at me with a look of disgust, hurt and anger. I was about to speak when I realised the position I was currently in. My hair was a mess, my shirt was practically hanging off my shoulder, my legs were wrapped around Jack who was half-naked and had pitch black eyes. I quickly removed my legs from his waist and pushed him away. What f**k did I just do? "Cooper." Jack said gruffly, referring to Will's surname. Will didn't speak or even move, he just continued to give the two of us the death stare. "I think you should go." I whispered meekly, but I knew Will heard. Jack turned to stare at me but my eyes were completely fixed on Will. "Fine." He growled, before storming off into the darkness. My wolf howled out in agony, as we watched our mate walk away but Will was more important right now. First, I need to deal with Will. Alex and Jack can be dealt with tomorrow. "I.." "Why? Why would you kiss him again? Why would you kiss him here, like that? You know what you looked like Sky, you looked like a whore." I gasped and flinched away in hurt. Whore? How could he call me that? "You have no right to say that Will. You don't don't know what I've been through or what I'm going through right now. Don't you dare call me that again." I growled, angrily pointing my finger at him. I was close to tears, close to completely breaking down. "Sky, I saw him today at lunch. You know what he was doing? He was f*****g Bethany, his girlfriend might I add, in the janitor's closet. You weren't at school because god knows why, but if you were, you definitely would have heard it. Did he care though? No. He didn't care and he never will. He doesn't care about you, the only thing pulling you two together is the mate bond, and even then he doesn't seem to be doing much to fight for you. You deserve better Sky, you deserve more than a few stolen kisses. You deserve more than to be hidden in the shadows." He was right. Will was always right. I was the side chick. Even with Alex, he never showed me any sign of affection until we were out of the public eye. A loud sob left my mouth and Will's anger quickly switched to concern and worry. I fell to the floor in a heap and let my tears break free. I'm a broken mess. Will rushed forward and gathered me up into his arms. I bury my face into his chest, my tears soaking his new Calvin Klein shirt but he held me tighter anyway. "Why don't I order in some pizza? We can watch a Harry Potter marathon?" I nodded weakly and he picks me up, carrying me inside and taking me up to my room. I chucked him my phone and sat in silence as he ordered a large pepperoni pizza. "Didn't you say your Aunt Jessica was in town?" He asked, grabbing a piece of the boiling hot pizza and blowing on it gently. "Yeah, I don't know how long she's staying for though. She's already asleep, not much of a night owl but she loves to wake me up at six in the morning when she starts to do her yoga." We both laughed and then eat in silence as Harry gets sorted into a house. "I'll put this down stairs." He said, referring to the half eaten pizza. I nodded sleepily, my eyes slowly dropping shut after this long and exhausting day. **** Will's P.O.V I placed the box in the fridge and then grabbed a bottle of water. I took a big sip and then splashed some water onto my face. Today's been hard. First of all, I got s**t scared when I realised I couldn't find Skylar. I looked everywhere until some guy told me he saw her on the back of Alex Walker's bike. I knew she would be safe with him physically but not emotionally. Skylar's fragile, she been hurt more times than I can count and the only thing I want to do in this life is protect her. I want her to feel safe, just wrapped up in my arms. That's it, it's time. I need to man up and just tell her. Tell her before those stupid meat heads get her first. I quietly walk up the stairs, careful not to wake up Anunt Jessica and have to face her wrath again. She's one scary lady, especially when someone disturbs her sleep. The bedroom door creaked open and I noticed Skylar all bundled up underneath the covers, her back facing me. Harry Potter is still playing in the back ground so I muted the volume and sat down next to her. "Sky, there's another reason I hate seeing you with them. Yeah, they're probably gonna hurt you and yeah, I don't want that to happen but it's also because I want you. I want you, and I don't just mean as a best friend, I mean as a girlfriend. I want to hold hands with you and hug you and kiss you. I'm not just saying this because I want to have s*x with you, but I do want to have s*x with you, of course I do, but I want everything else that comes with it. The late night cuddles, the small pecks on the cheek, I want to rub your shoulders if you've had a hard day and kiss away all your worries. Skylar I.." "What?" She rolls over, casually rubbing the sleep from her eyes. "Did you say something, I dozed off sorry." She laughs sleepily and then yawns. f**k, she didn't hear me. "Um no, just sleep. You go to sleep." She gave me a small nod before closing her beautiful violet eyes. Soon her light snores filled the room and I lied back, staring up at the ceiling. I'm a coward. I should have repeated what I said, or maybe a part of me knew she wasn't listening. That's why I said it all. Fuck, I'm never going to get this chance again. "I love you." I whispers, brushing back her hair and placing a light kiss in her forehead. She mumbled something and then turned around in her sleep. She's the first girl I've ever loved. She also the only girl I've ever loved. Skylar is it for me, and I'll be damned if I go down without a fight.
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