Chapter 8

975 Words
Sophia I turned around towards the door when I heard someone knocking, and soon, my mother called me. I quickly wipe my face clean and open the door for her however only one look at me and she instantly cups my cheek, worry lacing her beautiful features and she holds my hand with her other free hand. "Dear, have you been crying? What happened? Is school difficult for you honey?" I couldn't stop myself from crying again after I heard her soft and soothing voice filled with affection and concern for me. I immediately engulf her in my arms crying at her shoulder and she hugs me back patting and rubbing my back warmly trying to calm me down. I just didn't want to get out of her embrace. I wanted to stay with her, near her away from everything in our cosy little home with no one to bother us. I was tired of fighting. I was exhausted trying to survive every day and escaping their pranks but now fate seemed to have played a cruel joke on me tying me to them forever. "School has been so hard mom, I don't want to go there anymore. Everyone is so mean to me, Mom, I am tired. I don't want to go!" I whined as I cried my heart out on my mom's shoulder and she caressed my head softly pulling me back and wiping my face with the sleeve of her night dress. "My dear child, if things have been hard for you, you don't have to go there anymore darling. There's no one here to force you. I know my child is a brave one, you have always tried your best and now that you don't want to do it anymore, you are free to leave it honey. I will always be with you and support you no matter what you choose to do." She said holding both of my hands and giving them a reassuring squeeze, her eyes and face said it all that she was proud of me when she said that to me. The moment those words left her lips, I felt overwhelmed with emotions. All of my burden and stress seemed to fly away and I felt relieved however as she said her daughter is a brave one. After coming this far fighting for myself and my mom, I can't give up now. I will protect myself and my mom even if it means I will have to go against whatever the moon goddess has decided for me. I will change my fate and rewrite it the way I want. We will leave for the human world in a year and live happily there. I will save me and my mom from this hell. It's a promise I will make to myself under this moonlight that I will not give up. "I know Mom you are here with me and you will always support me and trust me, you saying that gives me all the courage I need so don't worry, I won't give up. I will finish school and as I promised you, after that, I will make our lives ten times better than now." I told her as I squeezed her hands right back feeling a surge of strength inside making me feel stronger than before. "My brave child. I want nothing but your happiness so don't push yourself hard and if it gets too much anytime, don't forget that your mom is here darling. Share your worries with me instead of crying alone, okay?" She said caressing my cheek lovingly, her eyes asking for a promise as I nodded. "Yes, mom. I will not cry alone. I will come to you." I answered pulling her into a hug. I didn't tell her about tonight and anything related to those four being my mates because I didn't want her to needlessly worry about me. She knows that the four alpha heirs bully me and she doesn't think of them in any kind of positive light. If she gets to know about tonight, she will become anxious and I don't want to give her any stress since she is already frail. She pulled back after a while and suddenly raised one of her eyebrows looking at me leaving me wondering about what she was doing when she suddenly talked about the dress I was wearing. "Oh, my Sophia. It's such a pretty dress. You look beautiful in it honey." She said turning me around and looking at me all over again. I chuckled at her antics and tugged a loose hair strand behind my ear posing in front of her. "Don't I look like a princess?" I asked striking a pose and smiling at how marvelled she was looking at me from head to toe as if she couldn't believe her eyes. "Yes, you look like a queen my dear only if your eyes weren't swollen." "MOM!" I whined when she said that and she ended up laughing at me. Wasn't she saying I was looking beautiful moments ago? then why the puffy eyes now? I sulked as I pouted but she couldn't stop laughing and soon I joined her as well. I was truly grateful that I was also able to have these happy moments in life. Minutes ago I was crying my eyes out and now she has been able to make me laugh. Truly I am glad that she is my mom. That night, I had the best sleep. I slept in my mother's arms snuggling into the biggest blanket we had preparing myself for the academy tomorrow. The festival week was over and classes were going to start. I hoped for my upcoming days to be a little easier than before not knowing what kind of surprises awaited me at the academy tomorrow.
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