Chapter Three

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I hadn't expected anything nearly so romantic. It wasn't like taking a baby on our honeymoon was ideal. I just thought we were going to travel. At no point had I even considered he would have made so much effort. When he had suggested that he wanted to plan every detail of our honeymoon, I had serious doubts. His previous efforts on our way to England hadn't been disastrous, but they weren't ideal either. I had to admit, I was wrong for doubting him. His arms came around my waist and his lips dipped into the crook of my neck. It had been way too long since we had been together in any way. Things had just been so manic. Not to mention the overcrowding at the house. It was hardly a great environment for getting intimate, even without the night feeds. We were approaching three months, not that I was counting the days. I turned to face him and started unbuttoning his shirt. "It was meant to be your bath." "I would much prefer for it to be our bath." "Well, that can be arranged." I had only undone one button before he had stopped me, but it was enough for him to pull the shirt right over his head. It had barely hit the floor before he started working on his trousers. Apparently, I wasn't the only one who had been missing the old times. I was much slower striping my dress off, despite having fewer clothes on. By the time I had unhooked my bra, he was already sinking his fine ass into the bubbles. As soon as I dipped into the water, I relaxed into him. I couldn't help it, it was heaven. Still would have been without the muscular cushioning. I closed my eyes and almost felt like I was drifting off into another world. Out of nowhere, Luca pulled me back to reality as his fingertips glided between my legs. The sensation was even stronger than I expected because I had been so unaware. My eyes snapped open, and I bucked against him, biting down on my lip. His movements were so slow, and I could feel the effect my reaction was having on him. It was as though he was getting off on his ability to make me squirm. Within seconds, his rock hard c**k was pressing into my spine. My body was begging for him in every way possible. I didn't know if it was because it had been so long or the environment, but I had never been so turned on in my life. It was like I had no control at all. He had all the power. I could barely do more than cling onto his thighs. I was powerless, just accepting what he wanted to give me. As his fingers removed themselves from me and worked their way up my body, I wanted to cry out in protest. I just couldn't find the words. All I had was breathy moans and impatient groans. His wet, warm hand massaged my breast and his slightly calloused palm skimmed over my n****e again and again. I could feel my nails digging into his flesh and the pants came thick and fast. It was all I could do to beg him for more. When he started sensually kneading my shoulder, he forced me to tilt forward. The further I went, the further he travelled down my back. When he reached the base of my back, he moved his attention to my cheeks. Gripping at them hard enough to send little shots of pain through me. His nails mimicked mine, digging into my soft flesh. As he lifted me upwards, I also panicked enough to almost send me flying back down. "Steady, I would rather not drown. Even if this would be the most delicious way to do it." I tried to steady myself on the side of the tub with one hand and the tiles with the other. Every movement he made seemed to be in slow motion. As he lowered me down slowly onto his c**k, it made it impossible to keep my cool. The feeling was intense. My back arched and forced my head over his shoulder, which was invitation enough for him to start nibbling on the side of my neck. He sat there perfectly still, but my reaction to him was movement enough. Every time he made contact with my skin, it set my skin alight and my body moved constantly in response. The movements were tiny and the water barely responded to them, but my body's reaction was more like an earthquake ripping through the room. He never stopped assaulting my senses with his mouth, but his fingers returned effortlessly to stroke at my clit. It was unbelievable that he could have such an effect on me while sitting completely still. His touch started slowly, caressing softly. It was enough of a tease to make me finally find my voice. "Please, please Luca." "Is this what you want?" He sped up his movements and then became much rougher in their touch. It was ecstasy. Then out of nowhere, he slowed again. "No. Please. Don't. Stop." He sped up again before momentarily slowing. Over and over. Driving me insane until I was sure I was going to lose my mind. Each time he slowed, my body tensed up, begging for the sensations only he could give. When he gave in and allowed me all the pleasure I could handle, I felt like I had finally won. As though it was a battle of wills. The amount of teasing had only made it so that when he stopped toying with me, the heat built almost instantly. My body was ready to let go and explode. As he flicked his hips upwards just once, he forced me over the edge and it felt like the strongest release I had ever experienced. He pushed me forward roughly. I barely had the ability to recognise his words. "Hold on." My ability to follow instructions had vanished, and he moved my hands to hold on to the edge of the end of the bath. As soon as my knees made contact with the base, his legs pinned me in place. Before, he had been all caring touches and whispers, but that had vanished too. He wasn't coaxing, he was taking everything he wanted from me and he got it.
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