Chapter Two

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I knew the exact reason he brought us to Innsbruck when we walked into our room. The view from the window was phenomenal. The mountain was just right there, snowy caps and all. I didn't know if it was the same side of the mountains that I looked at from my childhood window, but it didn't matter. I had been obsessed with those mountains my entire life and, for the first time, I felt like I was at one with them. It felt almost like coming home. "I know how much you love the mountains. I thought it would be nice to have some good memories involving them after the bad memories that tainted them for you. It feels like that... event only happened because of my actions. Hopefully, the next twenty-four hours will give you back your love of the view." "There really was no need. However, I'm so glad you did." I teared myself from the window and went to him, kissing his cheek before leaning my head on his shoulder. "If the view was still tainted, which is a big if, our wedding restored my love for it. It is very fitting that we got married in front of these mountains and now we're honeymooning on the side of them." "That is very true. I must admit my whole life, I have been very complacent about the beauty surrounding our home. Not anymore, I have a newfound respect and appreciation for it. It's almost as exquisite as you are." "You're getting very cheesy in your old age." "I'm not old." "Older than me and much more cheesy." I couldn't hold back the laughter and Isabella stirred from inside her car seat. "I might be cheesy, but at least I haven't got a big mouth." "She's gonna go back off. You shouldn't make me laugh so much." "All part of the charm that I won you over with." "Hmm." He was right. His charm was one of the many qualities I loved about him, but I wasn't going to let him know that. He was full of himself enough without me helping out. It was strange to think that for years he hadn't had enough confidence to tell me how he felt. Ever since we had been together, there had been no hint at all of him having a lack of confidence in any way whatsoever. I just stood there for a while, resting against him while taking in the breathtaking view. We had grown so close since everything that had happened with Amelia. Luca, despite being more injured than me, had tried so hard to nurse me back to full health. I just wished he would stop beating himself up about it. I was rather surprised by a knock and the door and nearly jumped out of my skin. "That will be room service." I didn't even know he had ordered anything. I left him to deal with it and took a look around the room. It was very simple, but then, with the backdrop, it didn't need anything but simplicity. It wasn't a huge room, but it did have space for a king-sized bed, a very small sofa and a table and two chairs. Luckily, there was enough space left for the travel crib we had brought with us. I was aware there was an ensuite, but Luca returned before I had a chance to sneak a peek at it. "I thought steak was a safe bet." "Always." He laid it out in front of me after I sat down. It all looked amazing. I hadn't even realised how hungry I was. He poured us both a glass of wine, but I only really sipped at it. It wasn't like him to choose such a simple meal, but we hadn't eaten until late earlier in the day. Mamma and Nonna had cooked quite the feast for the wedding, but we didn't get to it until gone two in the afternoon. I wondered if I would get away with more simple dishes for the rest of our time away, but I doubted it. Even internally, I shouldn't have complained. I was so lucky to constantly be cooked for. I couldn't recall making myself more than a sandwich since getting back to Italy. "Any guess about what we are doing tomorrow?" I thought about it, but I didn't know the area at all. The only thing I could think of was skiing, but I knew it wouldn't be that. "I have absolutely no idea. As long as it's not skiing, I'm happy." "I tried. They weren't too thrilled about the prospect of having a baby rocketing down the side of a mountain. It's also out of season for skiing." I couldn't stop the giggle that erupted. He was hilarious. There was no denying it. "Do you want to put Isabella to bed while I organise your next surprise of the trip?" "Of course." Isabella was such a calm baby. I didn't know if it was because she was premature or because she had Lucas' calm personality. She was always so quiet. Within minutes, she was ready for bed and laid in my arms. Feeding time really had to be my favorite activity. It was always a good excuse to have uninterrupted cuddles with my little jellybean. In such a busy house, it was a rare opportunity, and I planned on making the most of having her all to ourselves while we were away. I had only just lowered her into her crib when Luca appeared. "Perfect timing. Come here." He held his hand out to me and I took it enthusiastically. I was desperate to know what he had planned. I was a little taken aback when his hand came over my eyes. He started steering me forward before stopping abruptly. "There's a chair. Take a step to the right. Ouch, yeah, that was my foot." "It's not my fault you're poor at steering." I could hear him pushing the door open with his foot. When he finally removed his hands, I couldn't contain my gasp. There were candles lit on nearly every surface in the bathroom, no doubt against health and safety. The two-person bath was filled with foam and rose petals. I could smell the jasmine and hear the soft classical notes from our wedding music, both drifting through the air. I had no idea he even knew how to be so romantic.
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