The Reveal

1596 Words
The drive back home was quiet. Natalia had insisted on driving, and I let her. She had been silent since the incident, and I could see the gears in her head working. "We're here," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. She turned off the engine and exited the car, stopping in front of the passenger side. Her expression was unreadable as she looked at me, waiting for me to step out. I could feel the ache in my shoulder increasing with every passing second. Those damn bastards had hit me with a silver bullet. Someone in the group must have known. I clenched my jaw, pushing the thought aside. It was only a graze, but if I didn't get it out sooner, it would later be an inconvenience for me. Natalia reached for my arm, wrapping it around her shoulders. I could feel my heart racing at the closeness of our bodies. I hadn't touched her in years, and every inch of my being craved it. ''Let's get you inside. And don't argue.'' She ordered. ''Alright.'' I was too tired to fight back. She led me up the stairs, helping me inside. We made our way to the kitchen, where Natalia guided me to a chair. ''Now, let me look at that,'' she said, reaching for the sleeve of my jacket and pulling it back. My wound wasn't severe. I had endured worse in the past. But Natalia was concerned, which was unusual for her. Her brows furrowed as she inspected the injury, a look of concentration on her face. "What were you doing there?" "Same thing you were," "Why?'' I sighed. I knew it wouldn't take her long to connect the dots. "Because Moretti owes me something." Natalia paused, her gaze meeting mine. ''Something?'' she arched her brow. "Yes." I paused, weighing my words. Natalia had been involved in this case for a while now, so I was sure she'd find out soon enough. ''What does he owe you?" She questioned, her tone low. "A life,'' I answered. I could feel her tense up. Natalia was staring at me, a look of disbelief in her eyes. She was about to say something but paused, her gaze drifting towards my shoulder. "Hold still. I have to take the bullet out." I nodded, gritting my teeth in pain as she pulled it out. I hissed. ''What the hell-'' I turned to look at what Natalia was holding. Natalia glanced up at me. ''Silver bullets? Why silver bullets?'' she frowned, placing the bullet onto the counter. I watched as she stared in horror seeing my wound close up, muttering under her breath. "Because silver is poisonous to me." "Poisonous to you? I don't get it." Natalia looked confused. I sighed, running my hand through my hair. This wasn't how I wanted the conversation to go. "You have to promise me you won't freak out, Natalia." Natalia studied me for a moment before nodding. ''Okay.'' I took a deep breath and then began to tell her everything. Natalia listened intently as I revealed the truth to her. The truth about Moretti and me. About the debt that was still hanging between us. How his dealings had led to the death of my mother and how I wanted my revenge. And also, about me being a shifter. By the time I was finished, Natalia was speechless, her mouth hanging open in shock. ''Wow, '' she finally spoke up. "That's a lot to process." "I know," Natalia stared at me. "A shifter? Like a vampire or something?" I shook my head. ''No, not a vampire. It's a wolf shifter.'' Her eyes went wide. ''Wait, a wolf?" "Yes." I smiled. She shook her head, muttering under her breath. "This can't be real." "I'm telling you the truth, Natalia." She nodded, her eyes narrowing. ''I know.'' There was a moment of silence before Natalia spoke again. "I know, I- I just find this hard to believe- I mean, I've heard of shifters. But I've never thought they'd be real." "Natalia,'' I said, getting her attention. ''Look, I know it's a lot to take in, but-" "I think I need to rest." She stepped back. I could see the shock in her eyes. ''Sure,'' ''And I'll have questions later," Natalia said. ''Of course," Natalia nodded and then turned, heading for the living room. I watched as she walked away, unable to keep my eyes off her. Natalia paused at the foot of the stairs and glanced at me over her shoulder. I could feel a sense of anticipation running through me. ''Goodnight, Killian." I let out a breath. ''Goodnight, Natalia." Once Natalia was out of sight, I walked over to the kitchen counter, picked up the bullet, and held it in my palm. The silver burnt lightly against my skin, but I ignored it. Closing my fist around it, I took a deep breath. I had to make sure that Moretti would pay for what he'd done. I went back to my study and placed the bullet on top of my desk. There was work that needed to be done, so I sat down, ready to do it. There were still a few details about Moretti's whereabouts that I needed to uncover. However, I'd come close enough. I could feel it. I opened the top drawer of my desk and pulled out a photograph. It was a picture of my mother, taken a couple of years before her death. I ran my fingers over it, a sense of loss washing over me. I missed her. My father too. Both of them had died because of Lorenzo Moretti. It was time he paid for his crimes. I let out a heavy sigh, placing the photo back in the drawer. I had to remain focused. I closed my eyes and focused on calming my mind. I picked up movements coming from Natalia's room. It was late into the night, and I thought she'd be asleep by now. But I heard the door creaking open. Natalia crept out. I could tell that she was trying to be quiet. Her heartbeat was a bit fast, and her breathing was shallow. Was she having another nightmare? I frowned, standing up from my seat. I walked out of my study and down the hallway, my senses trained on Natalia. She was heading for the stairs. I followed quietly. Natalia walked down the stairs and entered the kitchen. She was carrying a glass of water. I stepped into the kitchen. ''Hey." Natalia jumped, almost dropping her glass. "Oh s**t!" she cursed, putting the glass down. "Killian, you scared the heck out of me." "Sorry," I chuckled, coming to a stop a few steps away from her. Natalia was dressed in an oversized t-shirt and shorts. "I thought you'd be asleep." "What normal person sleeps when they just found out their husband is a paranormal creature?" I bit down my lips from smiling at the way the word husband rolled out for her lips. ''Touché." "So, you're really a shifter?" She questioned, folding her arms across her chest. ''Yes,'' Natalia shook her head, running a hand through her hair. ''This is unreal." I walked closer and noticed Natalia's gaze going to my shoulder. ''Your wound, does it still hurt?'' "A bit," I admitted, rubbing my shoulder. ''It'll heal up soon.'' Natalia nodded slowly. A small smile tugged at her lips. ''Silver bullets." She chuckled, taking a sip of water. I felt my own smile forming. ''Silver bullets." We both fell into a comfortable silence, and I took the moment to observe Natalia. She'd changed. In the past, she'd always kept a distance between us. But now, she was standing in front of me, her walls crumbling. She didn't shy away from me. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Natalia asked after a while, her eyes searching mine. "I didn't think it was necessary," I answered honestly. Natalia rolled her eyes, scoffing. ''Right." "Plus, I didn't think you'd believe me," I added. Natalia raised her brow at me. ''Seriously?" I nodded, my eyes locking on hers. Natalia leaned forward slightly. "Seriously." ''Well, now that I do, Killian," Natalia began, her voice dropping a bit, ''Do you plan on telling me everything you know about Moretti?" I nodded, not hesitating. ''Yes." Natalia smiled at me, and I felt my heart skip a beat. ''Thank you." I returned her smile, and I couldn't help but notice the faint blush forming on her cheeks. It took everything in me not to lean forward and kiss her. My wolf wanted me to so badly. "I should get some sleep," Natalia said, taking another sip of water. ''You should," Natalia walked past me and headed for the stairs. I followed her, our footsteps echoing through the empty hallway. Natalia stopped outside her bedroom door. My gaze shifted to hers and noticed she was looking at me, her eyes dark. My gaze drifted down to her lips. Natalia was inches away from me, and I could smell the scent of her shampoo. It drove me wild. I wanted to taste her. To touch her. To claim her. I was so close to kissing her when Natalia spoke up. ''Goodnight, Killian.'' She whispered, turning and entering her bedroom. I watched her retreating figure, feeling a surge of disappointment coursing through me. What was I expecting? That she'd suddenly feel something for me? Because I was willing to cooperate with her? Because I revealed one of my biggest secrets? No, Natalia hated me. And I deserved it. ''Goodnight, Natalia."
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