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The moment I closed the door, I leaned against it, sighing. Killian was so close that I could almost feel his lips pressing against mine. I closed my eyes, imagining what would have happened if I kissed him. Would he push me away? Or would he kiss me back? I shook my head. That was dangerous. Killian was my husband. But he wasn't my real husband. This was an arrangement, and nothing more. I moved away from the door and sat down on the bed. My gaze landed on the glass of water on the bedside table. My throat felt dry. I reached over and took a sip. Killian was a shifter. My husband was a paranormal creature. I still couldn't wrap my head around it. But then again, I didn't know much about Killian to begin with. I didn't even know his past. He was always so closed off, never talking about himself. I always wondered why, and now I had my answer. I lay down, staring at the ceiling. Killian and I were now working together, which was a good thing, I guess. I closed my eyes, drifting off into slumber. The next morning when I woke up, Killian wasn't home. He'd left a note saying that he had to leave for an important meeting. I didn't know whether to be disappointed or not. I grabbed a piece of toast from the counter. As I was munching on it, my phone pinged. Michael's name appeared on the screen. I picked it up, wondering what he wanted. ''Meet me at the usual place." ''Alright." I typed back and placed my phone down. Michael and I often met up at a diner near the police station to discuss our case. He'd told me that we could trust the owner, so we could talk freely there without having to worry about being overheard. But, with what happened last night, I couldn't help but grow suspicious that someone had overheard and alerted Moretti's men. I sighed, grabbing my phone and car keys. ''Better head out then." I muttered, finishing up the rest of my toast. I parked my car near the diner and stepped out. It was a small place, with just a few patrons seated inside. Michael was sitting in a booth near the window, nursing a cup of coffee. "Hey." I greeted him as I slid into the seat across from him. Michael gave me a nod, his expression grim. ''You okay?'' "Yeah, just tired." He said, sipping his coffee. "What about you? And your husband?" "He's okay," I said, not wanting to add the latest mystery I found out about him. ''He went to work." Michael nodded, his eyes fixed on the cup. He seemed distracted, which was unlike him. ''Did something happen?" I inquired, growing more concerned by the second. Michael's gaze met mine, and I could see the anger reflected in his eyes. ''Moretti knows we're onto him." My eyes widened, my heart skipping a beat. "What?" "Bane's men didn't make it back yesterday," Michael continued, his grip tightening on the cup. I felt a lump in my throat. Bane's team of men was our inside man in Moretti's gang. If they didn't make it, that means... "Does the Chief know about this?" "Not yet." Michael answered. I bit the inside of my cheek, thinking about our next step. ''What do we do?" Michael sighed, running his hand through his hair. ''I think we should hold the case for now, Nat." "But we've come this far," "Bane's men could be dead!" Michael hissed back, his tone harsh. I shook my head. This was my fault. My overzealousness to catch Moretti was putting people in danger. "I'm sorry." Michael sighed. ''Nat, we've been after Moretti for a while now. He's too powerful, and we barely have any solid evidence." I knew he was right. But each time I thought about the fact that he was just within my grasp, it drove me crazy. ''Michael-" ''Nat," Michael cut me off, his voice low. "I'm your friend, so I'll tell you this. Killian has been after Moretti as well, for years." I probably should have acted surprised with that information, but I wasn't. Michael seemed to have noticed. "Did you know?" "I just found out recently," I told him, looking away from his accusing gaze. Michael gave me a curt nod. ''Look Nat, Killian and Moretti have a long history. Both their families do." "I know," ''Let him handle it then," Michael added. I felt frustrated. I didn't want Killian to handle it alone. This was my case. I was the one who was responsible for it. But, it was Moretti, and who knew what he was capable of. I sighed, my eyes meeting Michael's. ''Fine." ''Good, '' He smiled, his expression relaxing a bit. "Let's focus on other cases for now." ''Yeah, '' I nodded, taking a deep breath. Michael was right. There was no need to rush it. Lillian walked into my office with a file. "Mr . Caine, here are the files you requested." She announced as she shut the door behind her. I glanced up from my laptop, giving her a small smile. ''Thank you Lillian." "Of course Mr . Caine." Lillian handed me the file and stepped back, her hands clasped behind her back. "Will there be anything else you need, Mr . Caine?" I shook my head. ''No, that'll be all for today Lillian." "Alright sir," She nodded but didn't turn to leave. Instead, she remained rooted to her spot, watching me. I could sense her nervousness, and I had an idea of why. "You can speak freely Lillian, it's just us in the building." "You were hurt last night sir. Did your wife see your wound?" Lillian was probably the only person, apart from Natalia now, who knew the truth about me. She'd been my secretary for almost two months now, and I could trust her. Lillian was a part of the shifter community as well, her family had been working under mine for generations. Her loyalty and trustworthiness were not in question. I sighed. ''She saw, Lillian." "And how did she react?" My mind went back to the previous night when Natalia found out. Her reaction had been rather calm. I was impressed but at the same time worried because I couldn't tell what she was thinking. ''Surprisingly well." Lillian looked shocked. "Well, she's a detective sir, and a very good one." "Indeed." I agreed. "Has she asked anything?" Lillian questioned. ''No, not yet." I answered honestly. Natalia hadn't said anything more, but I knew she'd be curious soon. Lillian nodded, turning to leave.
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