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I spent the next day holed up in my room. Being cooped up for more than ten hours without anything to do but sleep, wake up, and stare at the ceilings of my room was starting to take a toll on me. But the thought of running into Killian was enough to make me stay. After what happened last night, I didn't feel like seeing his face. But damn, I wanted so badly to get out and run off this nervous energy. I knew Killian was home. I'd heard his footsteps when he came in early this morning, and judging from how late it was, I was sure he was still in bed. "This is stupid," I grumbled. I hadn't planned to stay in the house any longer. It was almost one p.m. My phone lay beside me, and I hesitated, looking at it, waiting for it to ring. Hoping it would. But it never did. Sighing, I picked it up, checking for any messages, or missed calls. There were none. I wasn't really expecting to get a message, but a girl could hope, right? That stupid Michael. I told him to call if he had a lead. Sighing, I threw myself off my bed, walked out of my room still dressed in my PJs, and headed for the kitchen. I was surprised to see Killian, leaning against the kitchen counter. His hair was slightly ruffled, and there were dark circles under his eyes, making him look like he hadn't had a decent night's sleep. Let's just ignore him. That was the best way to go. I walked past him and went straight for the refrigerator. I ignored the look he was giving me, and the heat that spread through my body. "Natalia." He called quietly behind me, and I stopped, closed the fridge door, and turned to look at him. "What?" I crossed my arms. "We need to talk." His voice was a dark crawl, easing up my skin, and I suppressed a shudder. "There's nothing to talk about." "Yes, there is," He took a step forward, making me nearly slip backward. But I stood my ground, keeping my expression as neutral as I could. ''Alright. You want us to talk. I'll start.'' His silver eyes bounced around my face, taking in every little detail, before going lower. He took a step back. I didn't miss the quick flare of his nostrils, like he was breathing in the scent of me, or the slight twitch in his jaw. ''Are you working for Lorenzo Moretti?'' His eyes narrowed slightly, his face remaining clear of any expression. ''Why would you ask that?'' ''So I would know if I have to end up arresting my husband.'' I studied him, willing myself not to flare up. Killian was involved in something and I'd be damned if I couldn't figure it out. I raised my chin, stepping towards him, our height difference a disadvantage. "You're hiding something from me," I said. ''I'm not hiding anything.'' "Liar." His expression turned stony, his lips thinned. ''Natalia, this has nothing to do with you. Stay out of it.'' I could feel the anger slowly boiling inside me. Who the f**k did he think he was, telling me to stay out of it? ''It's my job, Killian. Unless you forgot.'' That got a me a reaction. A arched brow, and tensed jaw. ''No, I haven't. And that's exactly why I'm telling you to stay out of it.'' ''Why?'' I challenged. It was always like this with him. It could never figure him out. Know what he was thinking, or why he was doing this. Why he was helping Moretti? I stared into his eyes, hoping he'd at least say something. He didn't. Just stared back. ''I asked a question, Killian. If you know something, just tell me.'' He sighed, running his hands through his hair. "Just trust me." Trust him? He must be f*****g joking. I stepped back. ''How can I trust you when you don't tell me what you're doing?'' ''I can't, Natalia. It's too dangerous.'' Dangerous. How many times had he used that word on me? Too many times. "Too dangerous?" I snorted at that. "Do you even know what the meaning of the word is? I have guns. I have backup. What could be dangerous about it?" He didn't reply. My body was already trembling from the rage coursing through me. It was like I'd been waiting for a time like this when I'd get to confront Killian. When I'd get to call him out on his s**t, and prob him for answers he'd never give me. Slowly, after a long second, without warning, his hand came to rest on my cheek, and I froze. The anger in me almost dissipated. I couldn't move. All I could focus on was the feel of his fingers against my skin. The smooth texture, and the warmth. "I know," he said, his voice dropping a little. His thumb slowly traced the outline of my bottom lip, sending shivers down my spine. I was too busy drowning in the intensity of his gaze, that I didn't even realize he was pulling me close, until his other arm wrapped around my waist. ''I have ways of doing my own things,'' he murmured softly, his breath brushing my lips. His scent wrapped around me, and I was suddenly hyper-aware of the heat coming off his body. The way his chest brushed mine with each breath, and the hardness of his muscles. From the corner of my eyes, I picked the silver band around his finger, and felt a wave of guilt wash over me. I should push him away. I should stop this. I didn't. He leaned in close, our lips almost touching. ''When I say you should keep out of it, I mean it.'' His tone left no room for arguments. ''Then, just answer me this, are you or are you not working with Moretti?'' A small growl sounded at the back of his throat, his eyes flashing, and a part of me wanted to smile. ''If I say no, will you believe me?'' I frowned, thinking it over. Then, slowly, I nodded. ''Yes. Yes, I would." He let out a dry chuckle, and for a moment, he just looked at me, his eyes dancing between mine. "Then no,'' he whispered. ''I'm not working for him.'' "You swear?" ''On our marriage, Natalia.'' "On our sham marriage, you mean," I said, trying to ignore the feeling of his body pressing into mine, or the heat of his hand, still resting on my cheek. "Sham or not, I give you my word." "Okay," I mumbled, feeling his fingers slide to the nape of my neck. Then he pulled away. ''We are done here then.'' Oh no, we were not. We were far from done. Killian knew something, and I needed to know what it was. ''Killian,'' I called as he walked out of the kitchen. He stopped, and I watched as his shoulders rose and fell. Like he was taking a deep breath. Then he turned to look at me. ''Yes?'' I took a deep breath. ''After all this is done, I want a divorce.'' Those silver eyes pinned into me, and a strange look crossed his face. One that made my stomach knot and twist. He didn't say a word, just continued staring at me like that, and after a while, he nodded. "Is that what you really want, Natalia?" I hesitated. No. A small voice in me said. ''Yes.'' I didn't wait for his response. I walked past him, back to my room, and shut the door, hoping he hadn't heard the lie in my words. ________________________________________ Later that night, I sent a text to Michael, asking if we could meet up at a local cafe tomorrow. He replied immediately, and I sighed in relief. I hadn't really thought I'd get an answer, so I was glad he was finally answering my texts. The next day, I got ready, wore a casual outfit—black jeans and a shirt, and then I left the house. I met up with Michael at the cafe. As soon as I stepped into the building, he waved at me. Ushering me over to where he sat. ''You're late,'' he said, grinning, and I rolled my eyes. ''I'm only a minute late." "It doesn't matter.'' He shrugged, his green eyes sparkling. ''So, any leads?'' Michael nodded, and dug his hand into his pocket, pulling out his phone. ''Yep, got this new informant.'' "New?" He nodded again, a smug look on his face. "Who?" Michael leaned closer, and I found myself leaning towards him. "One of Moretti's men.'' He pulled back and grinned like he'd just said one of the smartest things in the world. I, on the other hand, had to blink a couple of times to understand him. ''How did you get one of Moretti's men?'' He shrugged casually, his grin growing even wider on his lips. ''I have my ways.'' ''Do I want to know?'' ''No.'' He said. "Okay," I sat back, a smile tugging at my lips. It wasn't every day that we caught a break in this case, so when we did, I had to appreciate it. "So, tell me," I said, folding my arms across my chest. Michael tapped down on his phone and in a second, I felt my phone vibrate. I took it out and opened the message he'd sent me. It was a picture of a warehouse and address. ''There's going to be a drug delivery tomorrow night, and this is the place where they're going to be,'' Michael said after he noticed my silence.
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