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I'd sensed Natalia even before she entered the garden. My wolf senses had picked up on her scent. Sweet like honey and roses. A small growl fought to my throat and I swallowed it back down. I was a bit tempted to leave where I was, meet her, and question what she was doing here. And so, instead of that, I replaced my urge to confront her with a bottle of whisky. The drink was strong. It burned the back of my throat, but it didn't ease the need in me. Luckily, the conversation between Moretti’s men was enough to help me keep my cool. As I listened to them talk about their recent shipment deals, I slowly felt that desire being replaced with a wave of anger that signed into my veins. Three months of playing the part had given me an insight into his dealings, and it was the first time he'd invited me over. The fact that he considered me part of his crew, was something I found funny. ''Damn cops everywhere,'' one of Moretti’s men—Douglas or whatever his name was—said. ''Who's investigating the case?'' Moretti asked. ''Some fine-looking bitch.'' I was about to roll my eyes when the name came out. Natalia Bassey. ''Oh, yeah. I saw her the other day. She's a fine piece of ass. But she's too hot-headed." I gripped the glass in my hand tighter, willing myself not to slam the table. "I would've tapped that. It was the second time she'd come to question me about the drugs." "And?" "Nothing." The guy shook his head. "She couldn't find anything." Moretti let out a dry laugh. "Of course. What did you expect from a woman? They're not even qualified for the job. They're just good for spreading their legs." There were a few snickers and laughter. "Yeah. Maybe I'll invite her over. Show her a thing or two about real men. Maybe then she'll learn to stay the f**k out of the business." At that moment, my control nearly snapped. Fucking kill them all. Was what my wolf wanted to do. But the only thing I did was laugh along with them. Not now. I told my wolf, calming the beast in me. We were supposed to be having a business dinner, and I couldn't afford to mess it up. Not yet. I couldn't let them know that the woman they were talking about was my wife. Or the fact that I was having an internal war with myself about what to do with these men. It took all the control in me not to shift and tear through their throats, because at the rate things were going, I was sure my wolf would not hold back. A small crash resounded in the small room, and I looked down to see that I'd accidentally cracked the glass in my hand. ''Are you alright?'' I glanced at Moretti, and his eyes were on me, staring at the glass in my hand. "Yeah," I replied. "I'm fine. I just---'' I sniffed the air, and I caught a scent. A familiar scent. My gaze immediately snapped towards the window, where the smell was coming from, and saw her standing there. Her expression was unreadable, and a few strands of the fake red hair she wore hung over her eyes. I frowned when her eyes met mine. And then a small smile broke out across my lips, my head shaking a bit. ''I know it's you, Natalia,'' I said to her. Watching her run wasn't something I hadn't expected. But when she did, I stood up, excusing myself, and went after her. My feet took me to the garden where I knew she was, trying to bypass two security guards. At that moment, seeing how she was dressed made my trousers tighten, and I had to take a few deep breaths to calm the desire that was bubbling up inside me. Her body had always been a weakness of mine. One that filled my mind unwillingly. "Fuck." The dress hugged her figure tightly, showing off the curves and the flare of her hips, and backside. And then hearing her talk. It had been a while since I’d heard her voice and hearing it after such a long time seemed to travel through my ears and to my entire body. ''Oh, there you are.'' I found myself walking towards her. ''Hi,'' She said, and I could tell she was holding herself back from lashing out at me. And before I knew it, my arms were around her waist, pulling her to me. ''Gentlemen, this is my wife.'' I knew the two men didn't buy it, but they nodded nonetheless and went back to their posts. Once they were gone, I turned to Natalia. I knew she was in one of her raids again. Trying to get herself killed. I wasn't planning to let Moretti's men touch a single hair on her head, so I had no choice but to send her away. It hadn't been easy, knowing how stubborn she could be at times, but in the end, she conceded. Watching her go had left a hollow ache in my chest. One I tried not to dwell on. I turned, heading back to the building, when I caught Douglas stepping out. Believe me when I say I plan to hit him only once. But watching as blood dripped from his lip onto the floor, and the look of utter surprise on his face, gave me a little bit of satisfaction. I had to punch him again. It was the least I could do for his filthy words. "f**k!" He shouted. No one could hear him. Considering how far we were from the party. ''What the hell is wrong with you?!'' ''Give me the whereabouts of the drugs you have,'' I demanded, giving him a hard look. ''I-I don't know what you're talking about. What drugs?'' I rolled my eyes, feeling my patience run thin. ''You were bragging about it just a few minutes ago. Just before you decided to make fun of my wife.'' ''Your wife?’’ He paused, seeming to think over his words. ‘’You mean that bit—?’’ The man's words were cut off, as my fist collided with his jaw. He let out a low groan as I hit him again. ''Just tell me where they are, and I'll let you live.'' He laughed. ''So, you're working with those damn cops, huh? Just wait till Moretti knows about this.'' I looked over at him, my expression turning dark. ''Moretti?'' I repeated. ‘’What can he do?’’ Douglas looked up, his eyes widening when he saw the look on my face. I leaned forward, grabbing him by his collar, and pulling him close. ''Moretti is only alive because I am letting him.'' I could go back in there and finish him. I could also kill Douglas. But I won't. Not now. Instead, I pushed him back and decided to send him off with a warning. ''So, are you going to give me the whereabouts or not?'' Douglas laughed, spitting out a mouthful of blood. ''You think I would tell you? Go f**k yourself, asshole.'' I smiled. More satisfaction clawing at my chest. "Fine, have it your way," I said, and without wasting a single moment, I delivered another blow that sent him sprawling on the floor and out unconscious.
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