Reema fulfil Ghost wish

220 Words
It was a night time, Reema was sleeping in her room. one ghost call Yey Reema wake up. i need your help. Reema not heared the ghost voice. she was in deep sleep. Again that ghost shouted and make a big sound, then Reema wake up and asked who are you ?what you want from me.This ghost was not like any other; That ghost wished, I want to become a fairy. Reema said what are you saying ?it never happen with you; are you forget you are ghost, you are not like human being, you never turned into real human your wish is impossible that i will never fulfill your wish. That ghost i want to become fairy. my tragic fate, my accident is happened. Reema said your wish not possible, then Reema call her close friend Mary, everything told, that ghost said to Reema. First she refused , then said ok for Reema. Then Reema hit her friend head with plastic bottle , she get faint for few minutes, that ghost enter into Reema friend body , then the ghost become a fairy for few minutes, after few minutes over, ghost will thanked Reema. That ghost was no longer a specter of sadness, but a beacon of happiness that ghost would shine brights for all eternity and ghost vanishes.
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