
Selfie 🤳

kickass heroine

A young  girl  named  Reema. Reema was known throughout the land for her love of adventure and curiosity about the world beyond her fairy realm.




One day, while exploring the vast forest that surrounded her home,  Reema  stumbled upon a mysterious mirror. Intrigued by the shimmering surface, she reached out to touch it and was instantly sucked into the mirror's reflection.




As  Reema tumbled through a kaleidoscope of colors and shapes, she finally landed in a strange new world unlike anything she had ever seen before. The sky was filled with swirling clouds of candy floss, and the ground beneath her feet sparkled with rainbow-colored crystals.




Determined to document her incredible journey,  Reema took out her trusty wand and conjured up a magical device known as a selfie stick. With a flick of her wrist, the stick extended itself, and  Reema  held it out in front of her, capturing the breath taking scenery behind her.




But just as she was about to take the perfect selfie, a mischievous unicorn galloped into the frame, photobombing her moment. Laughing merrily,  Reema  decided to include the unicorn in her photo, making the picture even more magical.


One day, she stumbled upon a mysterious ancient tree that was said to grant wishes to those who took a selfie with it.


Amidst the fantastical world, she met a wise old owl who revealed that the tree was a portal to a realm where dreams came to life. Excited by the possibilities,  Reema  embarked on a magical journey, encountering mythical beings and uncovering hidden truths about herself along the way.




As she gazed at the image on her phone,  Reema  realized that sometimes the most extraordinary adventures come when we least expect them. With a smile on her face, she waved goodbye to the unicorn and prepared to continue her journey through this fantastical world, knowing that there were endless wonders waiting to be discovered.




And so, with her selfie as a reminder of the incredible sights she had seen,  Reema skipped off into the candy floss clouds, ready for whatever extraordinary adventures lay ahead. The end.


 Reema days passed smoothly ,  Day by Day Reema get more interest in taking a selfie. One day as usual she take a selfie but ghost is captured.  Reema take a selfie in one room .No one was in the room however the security camera caught movement. To the shock of everyone who watched it, Grandma was up and walking around. The wildest part about that.  Reema Grandma had recently passed away and the resemblance to her is uncanny!


Reema get panic and think it is really our grandma soul otherwise our shadow .


Next day night Reema take a selfie in her home. She didn’t know that they say it’s haunted there,” Reema  feared. Reema  saw  again her grandma in a curtain.  She was only one  when her grandma told to  her . Reema got panic and exit  from the room .


Two days later,  Reema go to mobile service shop and recycled her glass plates, she found that a faint image could remain if the glass had not been sufficiently cleaned, resulting in an additional dim face or figure in the next photograph.


 Again mysterious figure was captured on one of the security cameras of  Reema . Reema and her family shifted to 100 year old farm house .The incident occurred a month following the death of the Reema ‘s grand mother. The scary picture features a ghostly figure hovering over  Reema who is asleep on the floor. The figure was only captured by one of the cameras installed in the house, which only takes snapshots instead of recording video.


 Reema said she go to sleep, She said it seemed that she was an her grandmother looking at  Reema inside  in the curtain, her soul come in her shifted new house. Reema said her grand mother  face was so blurred and nothing was clear .


One day,  Reema again while out exploring the ancient ruins of  her  100 Year old  farm house, Luna stumbled upon an old, dusty camera. Intrigued by the device, she brought it back to her studio to clean and repair. As she was tinkering with the camera, she felt a strange presence lingering in the room.It was a ghost, an ethereal being trapped within the confines of the camera.

Curious and compassionate,  Reema  decided to help the  ghost of her grandmother to  find peace. Using her skills as a seamstress, she fashioned a tiny, intricate robe for the ghost to wear. As she sewed the  ghost of her grand mother , she call her grandmother in  camera, camera  began to glow with a soft, otherworldly light. And as  Reema carefully placed the robe over the ghost of her grand mother  it vanished, leaving behind a sparkling trail of stardust.

Finally god give a special power to Reema to communicate with ghost and fulfill their wish. The fame grew even greater, her photographs becoming sought after by collectors and art enthusiasts alike. But for  Reema ,the true magic was in the connection she shared with the ghost.

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Reema 's Ghost Journey
At first, Reema was terrified of her newfound powers, but soon she realized that she had a special gift. She began to use her ability to help lost souls find their way to the afterlife. The ghosts were grateful for Reema 's help, and in return, they shared their stories with her. One night, a particularly restless spirit appeared before Reema. The ghost explained that she was trapped in the land of the living because she had unfinished business that needed to be resolved. Reema, feeling a sense of duty, agreed to help the ghost on her journey to the afterlife. Together, Reema and the ghost embarked on a perilous adventure through the spirit realm. Along the way, they encountered all sorts of fantastical creatures - from mischievous pixies to menacing monsters. But Reema's determination and courage never wavered. After facing numerous challenges and overcoming great obstacles, Reema and the ghost finally reached the gateway to the afterlife. The ghost bid Reem a tearful farewell, thanking her for her kindness and bravery. As the ghost passed through the gate, a bright light enveloped Reema, filling her with a sense of peace and joy. Reema fully sacrifice her life to fulfill the ghost desires.

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