Chapter 21-1

609 Words

Chapter Twenty-One Edge was locked in pleasure and he didn’t want it to end. He moaned as an erotic heat surrounded his c**k, causing him to lift his hips. He curled his fingers into the bedsheets as the intensity increased until he was panting. “Goddess!” he hissed, when he felt a warm tongue swipe across the tip of his c**k again. He decided that he had indeed died on the Waxian Spaceport. He didn’t believe anything in the stars or among the living could feel this good. Another groan escaped him when he felt a light scrape along the length of his c**k before a sucking sensation lifted his hips off the bed again. Opening his eyes, he panted as wave after wave of intense pleasure shook him to his core. A slender hand joined the hot mouth that was moving up and down his c**k at speeds v

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