Chapter 20-2

378 Words

Oculus IX Spaceport Prymorus gazed down at the billowing smoke with rage while Deppar gripped the edge of the desk. The sound of more explosions could be heard going off far below them. From this view, Prymorus could see the panicked residents and visitors to the Spaceport frantically searching for a way off. “The fires must have spread through the sewer and access tunnels. The blast doors and electrical systems were damaged. There is an outer perimeter breach on Level Two. What in the hell did the Drethulans do to my Spaceport?” Deppar demanded, watching in horror as one system after another began to fail. “It was the Trivator and the human,” Prymorus stated in a cold voice. Deppar’s head jerked up and he stared at his half-brother in disbelief. “Do you expect me to believe that a hal

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