All you can do is pray pt. 2

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Esmes pov. I gathered my things and walked toward the front where my dad was sitting at his desk. “Hey, how's your day going so far?” said Esme “Well it's going decently and satisfactorily, How is your day darling?” Don replied “It's… going I guess been kinda weird but that's to be expected, I wanted to ask if I could stay after school and go to Sams's house to work on our project,” asked Esme “ I will have to call your mother and ask but I don't see why not” Don said as he stood up gathering his stuff and Heading for lunch I walked to the cafeteria got my lunch tray and found Maylee we went to a table outside sat down and started discussing our days so far. “ soooo how were your first two blocks?” Maylee said as she began to open the ketchup packages for her fries “ it was good, my guide, however… he's out there, to say the least. How were your first two blocks and who ended up being your guide?” Esme asked “ Well I'm glad you asked so my guide's name is Trey and I didn't wanna tell you this on our first day but Trey is my boyfriend don't tell Don or Karen I don't want them to know yet,” Maylee said as she ate “ WHAT so not only have you gone here before you also have a boyfriend on our first day my god Maylee what am I doing wrong?!” Esme spoke as she set her forehead on the table “Ez nothing is wrong with you, me and Trey have dated before and we wanted to try again, and we had been talking for a while” Maylee spoke and began to rub Esme’s back Esme sat up and looked at Maylee “I am happy for you M, you deserve the world,” she said as she leaned in to give Maylee a hug I was slightly upset at the fact that Maylee already had a boyfriend but I mean at the end of the day like she said they had been talking already and what not so who am I to get in the way of their relationship? Lunch went by rather fast we talked about how the classes were set and low-key hella different from our previous school The sound of the bell ringing pulled me from my thoughts “Well it's time to get back to class,” Maylee said prompting us to both stand and throw our trash away I headed to my next class but I ended up getting lost why did schools have to make it so damn hard for us to find a damn classroom. I swear I walked for at least a good 45 minutes then took a turn down a hallway I wish I hadn't..I see Sam and some girl kissing ughhhhhhhh I thought he was cute but of course, he has a girlfriend this is just my luck you know what I'm just going to go to the front office and ask them where my class is I turn around and start to leave when I hear my name “Esme, why aren't you in class?” Sam blurts out sternly “ I got lost,” I say while looking between the two of them “Oh good now get lost again,” says olive She was in a cheerleading outfit this all makes sense now he's on the football team and she's a cheerleader I just hadn't met her yet “ watch it, Olive,” he said as his eyes slowly looked over to me “You are supposed to be in government room 145 upstairs third door on the right when you take the main stairwell” “ aren't you supposed to be in government too?” I ask I have no clue who I thought I was asking him that, it's almost like I was jealous or something god I need to get a grip I drifted away from my thoughts when I felt a hand on my arm looking up I saw it was Sam he was tugging my arm and forcing me to walk down the hall as we were leaving I could hear olive hollering out “ Sam, where the f**k are you going and why is she going with you?” He didn't respond he just kept walking away still dragging me along eventually we reached the end of the hall and there was a stairway i guess he had shown me what stairs to take to get to the government I started up the stairs when he tugged my arm again pulling me back toward him and that's when he pushed me up against the cold wall, leaning his body against mine he whispered “ if you ever speak to me the way you just did I will make you regret it I will make you feel things you have never felt before, your legs will shake, your p***y will never forget me and I won't stop until you are crying and begging me to, do you understand?” I started breathing heavily extremely confused about what was happening I was unsure what to say at this point so I just shook my head up and down while looking him directly in the eyes “Good, but now I have to punish you, you misbehaved,” he said as he pushed off the wall leaving me there in shock “Let’s go,” he said sternly as he walked out the front doors of the school and the bell rang insinuating that fourth block was starting I followed him to the football field this was where gym class was held but today was also cheer tryouts so the gym was just sitting on the bleachers or trying out for cheer he started to walk past the bleachers and I went to take a step onto them when he wrapped his arms around my waist picking me up “Hey! What are you doing?” I shouted and began kicking my legs back and forth “It's punishment time you are trying out for cheer,” he said as he sat me down on my feet “Haha you are funny I am not doing that” I chuckled out He leaned down from behind and whispered in my ear saying “ oh but you will because I said so, now be a good girl and pay attention” he helped me take my book bag off and set it off to the side “Alright listen up, we will do this in groups of two, the football team has kindly offered to assist in our tryouts, ladies grab a partner and get ready we will start with flyers” the cheer coach hollered out Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a very angry olive stomping toward me then I felt large hands grab my hips looking behind me I saw that it was Sam “ Sam what are you doing?? Come with me we are always tryout partners” Olive whined “ Not this year olive Ive got a new partner” Sam spit out Olive stormed off visibility angry and before I could do or say anything I was lifted into the air sitting on one of Sam’s his thumb landed right on my clit causing me to feel a rush of excitement I let out a gasp and I think he could tell where his thumb was sitting because he started to slightly move it in circles making me get wetter and wetter by the second I tried to readjust but all that did was help his thumb push deeper in between my wet lips I started to feel pleasure and then suddenly I was lowered to the ground and a rush of embarrassment rolled over my face and all I could do was stand there that's when I felt warm breath on my neck “ I hope you enjoyed yourself, princess”
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