All you can do is pray

1378 Words
“Alrighty today is the day, you’ve got this!” Esme says as she looks at her reflection in the mirror in her room admiring how the yellow crop top and jean shorts rest against her body. “Are you talking to yourself?” Maylee blurted out, her long black hair swinging back and forth as she laughs “Bro you scared the absolute s**t out of me! How long have you been there?” Esme said as she put her hand up to her chest and began breathing heavy “ Eh…. Practically the whole time, why are you freaking out about today so much?” Asked Maylee while plopping down on Esme's bed “Isn’t it obvious, I’m new!” Esme rushed out before continuing “ I don’t know anyone here! This town..the people..the least you have that! I have nothing, you’ve gone here already have friends going into this, I don’t, what am I gonna do M!?” She turns facing Maylee and plops down next to her, both lying back in sync “I understand you are nervous but maybe this will be good for you Ez! Think of this as a new adventure for one of them dirty books you read” She pushes up now laying on her elbows “Think about town.. new nights..ughh sounds like a dream. Just don’t sike yourself out too much okay?” Maylee reassured Esme and they both began to get up and head downstairs to eat breakfast. Entering the kitchen there’s a tall woman in a dressy button-up and dark blue jeans her hair is shoulder length and red as could be “Hey, mom!” Esme says with excitement “Hello my girls, how did y’all sleep?” she said swiftly while continuing to cook them eggs and bacon “ I slept good, how did you sleep Aunt Karen?” Said Maylee as she sat down next to Esme in one of the chairs at the bar in the kitchen “I slept decent..ish Dons snoring kept me up most of the night though” she whispered and chuckled “What was that honey?” Don hollered from their bedroom and began to walk towards the kitchen while buttoning up his work shirt he turned the corner and walked toward Karen kissing her on the cheek and finishing with his shirt “Good morning girls,” he said excitedly “ I hope the both of you are ready for your first day at Montgomery High School” Don is a chemistry teacher at Montgomery High today is his first day there as well “I’m nervous Dad,” Esme said trailing off “What if the people there don’t like me?” “I don’t see why they would have any reason to not like you darling, you’re a shining star always remember” he added with a smile as he headed to the entranceway to get his shoes on “Yall finish up eating we’ve gotta get going before we are late” he hollered out as both Esme and Maylee began to gather their things and head for the door “Bye Mom,” said Esme followed by “Bye Aunt Karen” from Maylee “ bye girls have the best day” Karen hollered as the door shut The car ride to school was unsettling as they got closer Esme's stomach started to flutter with nerves, she always got nervous but because it was her first day at a new school they were worse. “Alright we are here,” Don said with excitement “I love you girls have a good day,” he said as he stood getting out of the car and shutting the door Esme and Maylee followed They walked into the school looking ahead at the hall full of students and began to walk toward the guidance counselor’s office. Esme walked through the door backward while talking to Maylee and bumped into Sam accidentally knocking the football he was holding out of his hands “Woah there,” he said with a shocked tone “Oh my god, I am so sorry” she bends down and picks up his football “I swear I didn’t see you, here you go” She hands him his ball and looks up to see this tall perfectly sculpted man with shaggy blonde hair and bright blue eyes, her eyes widen in awe “ you know normally people would walk through a door facing where they were heading” he chuckles and leans down to meet her gaze “ you must be the new girl.. Esme right?” He swiftly asked as Esme's cheeks turned a bright red color from embarrassment “Um yes that's me.. who are you?” Asked Esme “ I’m Sam I’ll be showing you around today” At this point, Esme had completely forgotten where she was or that Maylee was with her “Show me around where?” She asked “Um school” he chuckled “Oh right yes of course school um..this is Maylee” She turned around to introduce when she noticed she was gone “Oh um never mind she must have left already” “She has a different student guide, they try to pair the new students with a guide who has the same class schedule” he stated “Oh, so that means that we have the same classes?” She asked “Yes all but one while you will have gym I’ll be in football practice, but I’ll be showing you around for the next three days so try to not get too attached” he huffed and started to walk out the door then hollered out “ let’s go, you’re gonna make us late” Esme rushed to catch up with him seeing that he was opening a neatly folded blue paper “This is your schedule, the first block is English, second is chem, then you’ll have lunch, the third block will be government, and lastly gym but every other day will be s*x Ed, make sure you pay attention in there” he said as he slowed down and stepped behind her then leaning down to whisper “ you might need to use a thing or two” which sent shivers down her spine he then stepped off to her side again and stated “ this is it first block English with Mrs. Wilder” he then walked right in taking a seat in the back and Esme following and sitting right in front of him “good morning class” the teacher said loudly English went by fast, next was chemistry and of course, Don was the teacher “All alright listen up my name is Mr. Jackson, I will be teaching you all the best parts of chemistry but first, I am going to put you all in groups of two. When I say your name please stand, grab your things, and come to the front to get your assigned desk and your first project of the year” he said egregiously and began calling out names almost everyone was paired up when he called “ Esme and Sam desk 12” they both stood and walked to the front grabbing their project assignment and then going to desk 12 “ well it looks like we will be spending a lot more time together than planned” Sam said as he sat down “Yeah seems so,” Esme said as she sat The rest of the class consisted of them going over the class syllabus and then working on project ideas “Okay so I have football practice after school and helping with cheer tryouts but if you wanna stay after school we can go to mine when I’m done and work on this” he said swiftly Esme had never gone to a boy's house so she’d have to ask her parents “ I’ll have to ask my dad but that sounds good,” said Esme as the lunch bell rang “Okay be at the football field bleachers at 3:40 “ he stated as he stood and left the class to head to lunch
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