Chapter ten – Mrs. Amelia Monroe

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Darius Greyson’s POV For the past six months, Evelyn and I have been going strong. We have had our ups and downs and saw Dr. Hartman. She has helped us become closer over the last six months of our therapy. Sitting at my desk in my office at the Gym I own. I sighed with happy contentment, knowing how my baby has been doing so much better than we first met. “Darius, you have a visitor?” a loud masculine voice called from outside of my office. My eyebrows ferried in thought. “who could be here? Everyone knows if my baby comes, she can come right through. Who could it be?” I made my way towards Ashton. “Ash, what is going on?” I said calmly. Looking towards Ashton, I saw a young man dressed in an expensive suit carrying a briefcase. Raising an eyebrow in question. I motioned for Ashton and the young man to follow me back to my office. I took my seat back in my chair, watching the young man take a seat in the chair in front of me. “I’m here on behalf of Mrs. Amelia Monroe.” The young man had said. Narrowing my eyes towards the young man, I ignored Ashton leaving the room to give us some privacy. “I don’t know of an Amelia,” I said, my voice laced with a hint of warning. I watched the young man shiver in his spot from my stern voice. I crossed my arms across my broad, muscular chest. I raised my left eyebrow waiting for him to continue. “Well, are you Mr. Darius Greyson? My name is Tristan. I am Mrs. Amelia Monroe’s, Lawyer. Just recently, three months ago, she died from fighting stage four brain cancer. She had asked me before she died that I would find her granddaughter Evelyn Monroe.” Tristan said somberly. My eyes widen slightly in worry. I now know who Tristan was talking about. My sweet little Evie would always talk about how close she was with her grandmother. How her grandmother was the one who helped her apply to go here for schooling. I felt my heart break hearing that just three months ago, Evelyn’s grandmother died. I narrowed my eyes in thought. I can feel my anger rise and boil in my veins. Her own family never said a word or even tried to contact my Evie. Not once did they even think how this would affect her or how heartbroken she will be when she finds out now that the only blood family she had is now deceased. My hands clenched into fists, trying to hold in my anger. “Mr. Greyson, the Funeral is on April 16. I will be the one to read Mrs. Amelia Monroe’s will and testament.” Tristan said with conviction in his voice. I just stared at him, feeling defeated. My mind was in a whirlwind of thoughts. “How am I going to explain this to my sweet angel? How can I tell Evelyn that her damned family never contacted us to tell us about her grandmother’s passing.” shaking my head to rid of the very horrible thoughts? “Tristan, right? Who oversees the Funeral?” I asked calmly. My eyes scanned around the room, making sure I have everything put away just in case my sweet Evie throws a fit and break something. I looked up at the clock with a heavy sigh, and I noticed that it was close to the time for me to go pick her up from school. “Tristan, why don’t you come over tonight for dinner? I can have a guest room set up for you?” I asked him while getting up from my seat, grabbing my coat from the hook. I quickly wrote down my address and gave it to Tristan. I promptly made my way towards my truck. Getting into my new black Ram truck, I strapped myself in and started the engine. I drove towards the front of the school. I could feel my heart begin to tumble down into despair and worry. With a sigh, I pulled into the parking lot, waiting for my sweet Evie to finish with her classes. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back on my seat. My thoughts were all over the place with knowing what will happen in just a few hours. I still cannot believe my sweet Evie’s damn family just ignored her existence. I clenched my hands around the stirring wheel, tighten my hold in anger. “Daddy Darry?” hearing Evie’s sweet voice next to me. Our eyes made contact, and worry was written in her bright round green eyes. I gave her a small smile that did not reach my eyes. “Baby girl when we get home. There will be a guest staying with us. We have to talk about something significant when we are home.” I said calmly. I watched my baby get into her seat next to me. We had a massive argument about her sitting in the front with me. Shaking my head with a chuckle, I helped her buckled in. I started the truck, and we were off towards home. “Daddy Darry, who is going to be staying with us?” Evie asked sweetly. My eyes stayed on the road, and my hands tightened on the stirring wheel. “Don’t worry, sweetheart, our guest is someone I had met today. I had invited him over for dinner and a place to stay before he heads out tomorrow.” I said calmly.  Evelyn Monroe’s POV When I got into the truck next to Daddy Darry. I noticed something was off. Something did not feel right. “Daddy Darry?” I said softly next to him. Our eyes made contact, and I could see he was troubled about something. “Baby girl when we get home. There will be a guest staying with us. We must talk about something significant when we are home.” Daddy Darry had said calmly. Nodding my head in understanding, I was still curious about what could happen. Something in my gut was telling me something was wrong. Whatever it was, I am sure Daddy Darry has a good reason for our guests to come over and stay with us. I heard Daddy chuckle after he helped buckle me in. We made our home. My curiosity was killing me. I really wanted to know who was staying with us. “Daddy Darry, who is going to be staying with us? I asked Daddy. I noticed Darius’s hands were clenching the stirring wheel tightly. I bite my bottom lip in worry, afraid that whatever has angered my Daddy. I needed to be patient and let Daddy Darry tell me what is going on. “Don’t worry, sweetheart, our guest is someone I had met today. I had invited him over for dinner and a place to stay before he heads out tomorrow.” Daddy Darry said calmly. When we had reached home, and I saw a sleek black car parked in our driveway. My eyes widen when I saw Chris, my nana’s lawyer. My thoughts were racing in a whirlwind. I looked towards Daddy and saw him observing me with worry in his eyes. “What is Tristy doing here? Did something happen to my nana?” I bite my lip in fear.
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