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Third-person pov: Nessie was sitting in her new room which was in Leonard's lifeless mansion with a stunned expression after knowing the truth that her brother got married and had a three-year-old son. That time when Theo dropped the bomb about his wedding and son, She was so stunned that she didn't even ask him any question. Theo was also in a hurry to leave Australia but he told Nessie that once he comes back he'll explain everything to her. ** I just hope bro that Uncle Alexander takes your wedding lightly** Nessie said in her mind, thinking about Alexander, then Theo and Alexandria's images appeared in Nessie's mind. Nessie grabbed her hair and made a frustrated sound, **Theo bro was madly in love with Alexandria, then how can he marry Ariel...** "Still thinking about Theo?" Hearing Kathy's voice, Nessie came out of her thoughts and looked toward the door where Kathy and Richard were standing with huge smiles. Nessie smiled back at them and instantly got up from the bed, "Please come in..." Nessie said Kathy and Richard both came into her room and sat on the couch, Nessie also moved toward the couch and sat in front of them. Kathy hit her palm over her head, " Oh that's for you..." Kathy said, passing seven eight bags to Nessie. "What's this..." Nessie asked peeping into the bags. "I thought you'll need clothes, " Kathy said and Nessie instantly thanked her for her generosity. "So are you free tomorrow?" Richard asked picking the chocolate from the bowl. Kathy instantly looked at Richard as she knew why Richard was asking her about her schedule "I have an interview tomorrow and after that, I have to take the classes, " Nessie said. Both Kathy and Richard thought that Nessie is a student and she has been looking for a job, "If you want you can join my company, I urgently need a secretary" Richard offered, popping a chocolate into his mouth. "Thanks for the offer Richard but I can't become your secretary..." Nessie said the last part in an almost very upset manner as Richard was the big reason why her brother forced her to stay in Leonard's mansion. Even before leaving the mansion, Theo had warned Nessie to maintain her distance from Richard. Nessie didn't understand why her brother told her to maintain distance from Richard, but she knew if her brother had said something to her, he must have a solid reason behind it. Hearing her words, Richard started coughing badly as this was the first time when some girl refused to work with Richard. On the other side, Kathy got worried to see Richard, she instantly got up and started patting his back with concerned filled expressions but with every passing second his coughing was getting increasing. His eyes and face started turning ruddy, even he clutched his throat with painful expressions but he didn't remove his gaze from Nessie, "Oh my God!" Kathy almost cried out for Richard. Nessie understood he had been choking, she instantly got up and pulled Richard up, then she stood behind Richard and wrapped her arms around his stomach then started giving him an abdominal thrust, soon he spit the chocolate out of his throat and started breathing heavily. "Are you alright?" Nessie asked and he nodded his head, Before Richard says' 'Thankyou '' to Nessie, Kathy pulls Richard for a bone-crushing hug, " you scared me, you moron..." "I am fine Kat..." Richard said to Kathy, hugging her tightly but his gaze had been fixed on Nessie with an unknown smile. It was clear that Richard had been getting attracted to Nessie because of her innocent nature and unpredictable behavior. Nessie had tugged at Richard's heartstrings and now Richard wants to make Nessie dance to the tune of his love, and wants to entangle her in his love. He never felt such lust, love, and affection toward any girl before, Nessie had some kind of power that had made Richard possessed by her beauty. He wanted Nessie and he promised himself that he'll make her his as by hook or by crook. Of course, he could go with Theodore, James, Kelly, and Ariel but he made excuses as he wanted to enter Nessie's life, even he was extremely happy when Leonard forced Theo to go to Switzerland as Richard knew if Theo would be around him, he will never let him go near Nessie, and now Richard's way was all clear. Suddenly they got interrupted by Nessie's cell phone ringing. Kathy freed Richard from his arms and sat on the couch with a smile. Nessie instantly moved toward her cell phone and picked up Tyler's call "Yes Tyler, " She asked, "You are still awake?" Tyler asked, "No, you are talking to Nessie’s ghost!" She replied, "Ness!" Tyler called her name warningly, "Come on Tyler, how can I sleep peacefully when you know my mind has been occupied by many thoughts, " Nessie said, as she already informed Tyler about Theo's wedding and son. "Stop thinking too much, because you know your stress won't change anything," Tyler said, Nessie didn't say anything but sighed heavily, "I called to tell you that I'll pick you up in the morning, " Tyler said, "I don't think security will let you enter, here again, I'll tell someone to drop me at the exit door..." Nessie said, licking her lips. "Don't worry I'll drop you!" Richard instantly offered, Nessie and Kathy both looked at Richard. Kathy could see what Richard has been trying to do, but she couldn't say a word to Richard over this matter. For a few seconds both Nessie and Richard kept staring at each other then Nessie turned her gaze in the other direction. "Was it Richard...?" Tyler asked, Nessie could hear the stress in his tone. She wasn't an i***t, she understood that there was something off about Richard, and that's why both Theo and Tyler felt protective of her around Richard. "Don't take the lift from him, ask someone else to drop you..." Tyler said, "Hmm, I'll call you in the morning..." Nessie said and cut the call after saying good night to Tyler. "So Tyler is your boyfriend?" Kathy knew Tyler can't be her boyfriend but she wanted to know her relationship status. Kathy's fingers crossed, "I never made a boyfriend" that's what Kathy doesn't want to listen from Nessie's mouth. "Wooo! Where have you been till now?" Richard asked her, but Nessie didn't say a word to him. Richard noticed that Nessie was looking upset with him, "Are you upset with me, Ness?" Richard asked but Nessie once again ignored him. Nessie doesn't know how to get angry, so whenever she gets upset with someone she stops talking to that person. Kathy was internally happy to see Nessie's ignorant behavior toward Richard but she couldn't show happiness on her face. "Could you please drop me to the main road in the morning?" Nessie asked Kathy Kathy instantly nodded her head while smiling at Richard, Richard noticed Kathy smiling at him and angrily left the room. Once Richard left, Kathy turned her attention to Nessie, " No one ever treated Richard the way you treated him. What's wrong? Why are you upset with him?" Kathy asked, "I have no issue with him?" Nessie lied, as she can't tell her the truth that she doesn't want to live in this mansion for a month but now she had been forced to live here for a month. "If you don't want to share the truth it's okay, I won't force you but at least don't lie to me..." Kathy said getting up from the couch and was about to leave but Nessie grabbed her hand. "I am sorry..." Nessie said, Kathy passed her questioning look, as she wasn't expecting sorry from her. " Actually I am scared of your scary brother and that's why I wanted to go from here but because of Richard's behavior and continued flirting with me, my brother left me under your brother's custody..." Instead of getting upset, Kathy started laughing loudly. "Oh God, you are honestly very cute!" Kathy said, pulling Nessie's cheek. "Don't worry my brother don't bite, yes he has a very cold, aggressive, and dominating personality but he knows that you are Theo bro's sister..." Nessie didn't say anything but kept fiddling with her finger. "Relax and take a rest, it's almost 4'o clock in the morning and you said you have an interview at 10'o clock " Nessie nodded her head, but soon her expression turned into a curious one. "Where does Nick sleep...?" Nessie asked, "In my Brother's room, do you want to see him...?" Kathy asked and Nessie instantly nodded her head with a smile. "I'll share his pictures with you, just share your number with me and you can see him in the morning at the breakfast table..." Kathy said, patting Nessie's cheek. Nessie instantly hugged Kathy, "thanks for fulfilling Kelly's place, you have no idea how stressed I was when she left for Switzerland, " Nessie said, Kathy hugged her back with a smile and said good night to her.
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