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Third-person pov: Nessie was in her thoughts when she felt someone's presence behind her. She instantly twirled and noticed Leonard standing behind him in his shorts, a gym towel had been hanging on his shoulder and his entire body dripping with sweat. He was looking like a Greek God who hadn't come from heaven but from the gym. Leonard could see her fearful full gaze at him, but her gaze wasn't making him irritated, there were weird and indefinable expressions over his gross seeing her innocent fear-filled eyes and trembling body. Nessie hurriedly tried to leave the kitchen due to his fear but when she passed near Leonard, he grabbed her hand and pulled her back right in front of his eyes. Her entire body turned pale white and her blood started turning cold, Leonard was holding her hand that's why he could feel the changes in her body. "I don't like it when people show their back to me, especially in my own mansion..." Hearing his deadly tone, Nessie sucked a deep breath and her eyes opened like a saucer. "I...I... I..." Nessie was struggling hard to say something to Leo but no word was coming out of her mouth except air. Leonard can see her struggle but he didn't do anything to comfort her as her terrified body was giving him some kind of satisfaction which he had never felt before. Her last night image appeared in front of his eyes when she got fainted due to his fear, he instantly freed her hand. she quickly hugged her hand as if his touch had been burning her. Of course, Leonard didn't like her action but he didn't say anything to her. He filled the glass with water and passes it to her, but instead of taking the glass from him, Nessie was standing like a mute statue. "Stop behaving like an i***t and grab the damn glass..." He yelled, Nessie flinched once again but this time her eyes also got filled with tears, with trembling palms, she grabbed the glass but a loud sob escaped from her mouth at the same time. She was about to drop the glass but once again Leo grabbed her hand, "Stop crying," His hard cold tone was enough to freeze her. Leonard took the glass from her hand and made her drink the water, after making her drink half of the glass, he put the glass back on the counter and once again started staring at her with his cold gaze. "What's your problem?" He asked, but Nessie was speechless, she don't know what to say to him. Suddenly his last night words started ringing into her ear, and more terror appeared on her face, "No...nothing..." She said shaking her head as if someone had fitted spring in her neck. " You'll get a jolt in your neck if you keep shaking your head like that, " Hearing his cold words, she stopped shaking her head. Leonard raised his hand but she thought he would hit her, that's why she instantly stepped back, but unexpectedly her feet collided with the high bar stool. She was about to lose her balance and collapse over the floor, but before she could Leonard grabbed her hand and jerked her in his arms. Her head was resting on his chest, she was breathing heavily and Leonard could hear her fast heartbeat. An unknown tension occurred between them, but it was hard to explain that emotion in words. "What's going on here..." Someone said from the back, Nessie recognized that voice, she instantly moved away from Leonard and ran toward Richard, she grabbed his hand as if he had been her last hope before dying. Leonard made a fist of his palms and twirled back to see Richard. His eyes and expressions were looking as cold as snow, and the way he had been staring at Richard and Nessie, it was looking as if he would swallow them at any second. When Nessie noticed Leonard's cold gaze at her, she stood closer to Richard, just like that scared toddler who stands next to her parents in the seek of comfort. Richard's heart started bouncing up and down due to excitement, he never felt that much excitement before, "How could you scare such an innocent girl Leo?" Richard asked, pulling Nessie in his arms by grabbing her waist. Nessie didn't make any complaint as she had been feeling safe in his arms, "Who the heck let you enter my mansion without my permission...?" Leonard screamed at Richard in an extremely rude tone. His scream was so hard that Nessie covered her ears with her palms and glued her body on Richard, m. Richard didn't mind Leonard's words as this was not the first time when he had been screaming at him, and the second big reason was Nessie, just because of Leonard's scream she came close to him. "Relax Ness..." Richard ignored Leonard and tightened his grip around Nessie. "Please...please drop me at Main road, please..." Nessie started begging Richard, Leonard was standing quietly, it was hard to say what he had been thinking but it was clear by his expressions that he wasn't happy with Richard's visit or maybe Nessie's closeness with Richard was bothering him. Richard's expression turned serious after seeing Nessie's manifestation, he instantly cupped her face and wiped her tears using his thumbs, then he looked at Leonard, but before he says anything to Leonard. Richard realized that Leonard wasn't in a good mood and when Leonard is not in a good mood, it is better to distance yourself from him because when Leonard is in a bad mood, it does not take long for him to become Lucifer. "Let's go, I'll drop you at the main door, " Richard said and they instantly left Leonard's mansion. From Mansion to the main road Richard had covered a whole distance hearing Nessie's bitter sobs, but now he can't handle her pain anymore. Her tears were bothering him. "Ness..." Richard called her name but she was busy sobbing looking out of the window. "Please stop crying, Ness..." Richard requested her, for a second he halted as it was the first time when he requested some girl to stop crying. **If any of your exes hears you consoling a crying girl, you'll become the reason for laughter at every party...** Richard's mind said, "He... He is...he is very scary, His eyes, his *sniff* his eyes *sniff* " Nessie couldn't even intensify the coldness of Leonard's eyes. Just thinking about Leonard, goosebumps appeared on her skin, she instantly hugged herself and started shaking her body. "I'll...*sniff* I'll not go back to that scary mansion again..." Seeing her behavior Richard smiled, he grabbed her palm Nessie looked at his grip over her palm, then she looked into her eyes with her red eyes, "Relax, just calm down and if you don't want to go back to stay in Leo's mansion it's okay, " he said squeezing her palm in his clasp in assuring manner, but Nessie instantly pulled her palm out of his grip. "Drop me here..." Nessie said, but Richard frowned, He stopped the car and looked at Nessie in a questioning manner, " Why you have been avoiding me since last night, till yesterday we were good, you even agreed to be my friend but last night you were behaving as if you don't know me, " while reminding her about last night, Nessie's last night image appeared in Richard's mind when she had hugged him from the back. **you were choking, she was saving your life...** Richard's mind told him, but he brushed off those unwanted voices. "Because of your continuous flirting with me and your damn interest of be my friend, my brother forced me to live in that horrified mansion with that monster Leonard, " Nessie said with an angry expression, now there was no trace of fear over her gross, but her gorgeous, deep, hypnotic eyes were shimmering with rage. "I was interested in you that's why I was flirting with you..." Hearing his blunt reply her mouth opened and she narrowed her gaze at him harshly but Richard found her very cute, he badly wanted to pull her cheeks. "And on how many girls you used this cheesy line and had taken them to your bed..." Hearing her words Richard was stunned, as he wasn't expecting such words from her. **Richard! You are doomed man, this girl isn't as innocent as you had been seeing her** Nessie snapped her fingers in front of his eyes to get his attention, " Open the damn door, I need to walk out..." She said, "I really like you, trust me, I really do, and I am very serious about getting into a relationship with you..." Richard said, but Nessie smiled and shook her head "After today, we'll not meet again," Nessie said and tried to open the door but Richard grabbed her hand. "Richard leave my hand and open the damn door," Nessie said in an extremely cold tone as she don't want Richard to get hurt by Alexander or his men. "I know my history with girls wasn't good but can't spoiled casanovas fall in love with any girl?" Richard asked but Nessie angrily snatched her wrist out of his grip. Nessie opened the door and was about to leave but Richard's words stopped her, " Are you saying no to me because of my history?" "Ever since I stepped into youth and started understanding love and the meaning of husband and wife, I only dreamed to have a loyal guy as my husband, I always want a husband who has never had any girl before in his life except me, and you Richard, you aren't even near my idol guy's image..." Nessie said and without turning back she started moving toward the bus, as she was getting late for the interview.
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