Thirteen.|| Doom?

2133 Words

Amelia’s POV “When you’re done with that, remember to take care of the rest of the dishes and clean the kitchen.” One of the other maids said to me and I nodded. My body ached so much from all the work I’ve been doing and it doesn’t help that I hate everything about this place. I hate myself for putting up with all of this when he literally told me that I was going to go through hell for staying or being alive. I hated my room, I hate the house in general and even the maids that have done nothing to annoy me disgust me and it was taking all that I had in me to not snap at them. I hated everything happening with me but there’s no one or anything in the entire world that I hated more than Castriel. He’s the embodiment of evil. I have never wanted to kill someone as much as I wanted to

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