
Owned By The Mafia Alpha



“Come on, Hermosa, you know you want this. I can smell your arousal,” he breathed as his fingers brushed my p***y lips, sending hot chills down my spine, “Now spread those legs and be a good little girl.”


Amelia Elsher grew up an orphan and despised by her foster family and pack, she was treated harshly for not getting her wolf early and was also tagged as a curse and a disabled. Despite the harsh treatment, she didn’t let it break her spirit as she strives to earn her freedom when she turns twenty.

Her world came crashing down when she found her foster-sister and her mate, the only man she ever truly loved, in bed together. She was broken, completely shattered but she shook it off and her life went on despite her hurt and the rejection from him.

Her life took another drastic turn when she realizes that she’s been sold to the ruthless Alpha of Alphas, the Capo of Apex Grove, Alpha Castriel Reign Maxim.

Having had his eyes on her since he could remember, Alpha Castriel is willing to go extra miles to obtain Amelia for himself and a chance opens up when he realizes that her family are almost entirely bankrupt.

Will the ruthless Alpha be able to break Amelia’s spirit, completely making her give up on life? Will his presence in her life make or mar her?

What would happen when a quest for revenge turns out to grow into something more?

Which of them would be the first to give in to the irresistible attraction?

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One.|| The Rejection.
Amelia’s POV The sound of my bedside alarm jolted me out of my sleep and I stood up with a smile on my face. I’ve been looking forward to this day for so long and even had a lot of things in place. It’s my fourth year anniversary with Jason and I couldn’t stop feeling butterflies in my stomach as I stood to prepare. Four years ago today, I agreed to be Jason’s girlfriend and soon, we’re going to be mated and married. Being the only disabled wolf because I didn’t get my wolf at the normal age other werewolves got theirs, I was always looked down upon. I never thought that I was ever going to find love until Jason came around. He showered me with more love than I bargained for and never made me think about the fact that not only am I being despised by the pack but also by my foster parents. Going through my wardrobe, I brought out the beautiful red gown that I’ve been saving for this day. It was so worth it because I knew that Jason wouldn’t be able to resist me if I wore it. I’ve been thinking about the best gift to get him and alongside the expensive wristwatch and boxed cologne that I spent my entire life savings on, I couldn’t help but think that my virginity would be another great gift. We’d made an agreement to wait until our mating ceremony but I love Jason so much and I’m already sure that he was getting mated to me so there was no use keeping what I knew he’d eventually take. “Are you blind or something?!” Selena yelled when I bumped into her, I’d gotten so lost in thoughts that I didn’t know that she was in the hallway. “I’m sorry, Selena,” I apologized but she only glared at me like I didn’t amount to anything, “it’s Jason and I fourth year anniversary and I’m so excited.” I went on even though I could clearly see that she wasn’t interested. I’ve known Selena to be my younger sister since I was two and her parents adopted me but as we grew, I noticed she started liking me less than she did when we were kids. I made heads turn, her boyfriend in high school was interested in me so I could understand her hatred but I thought that she was going to be more on my side since I told her everything and growing up, I didn’t have any friends but I was wrong. The hatred only grew even though I’ve made up my mind to make her come around. I'd get souvenirs for her whenever I’m on my way back home from work but they always ended up in the trash. “You know I can’t do my own makeup, Selena, would you help—“ “As if I’d help a worthless being like you,” she snapped as we walked into the sitting room and my stomach clenched, “get your filthy hands off of me!” She finished as she pushed me away from her. “You don’t deserve to be with Alpha Jason, I do. You’re nothing but a disabled wolf, what does he even see in you?!” She added, I could tell that she was already getting mad. My foster parents, her parents, were there but neither of them said anything. I knew Selena was interested in Jason and I was going to let him go because of her but Jason wouldn’t leave. He stuck with me. He’s the only person to ever stick with me. “She’s right,” my foster mother chimed in, “why does the disabled fool get to keep the alpha and not our daughter?” She asked her husband and my jaw dropped. “I’m guessing Jason’s eyes don't work properly or he would have known that she’s just a worthless and stupid little wolf.” Her husband responded. “Listen, you’re not leaving this house until everywhere is spik and span.” My foster mother added before tossing her cup at me and if I hadn’t dodged it, I knew that I was going to get hit right in my face. Without saying anything, I picked up the broken cup and walked to the kitchen. There were piles of dishes and everywhere was so dirty that it was only a step away from attracting flies. Shaking my head, I smiled to myself as I cleaned. I couldn’t possibly let them break my spirit and ruin this day for me no matter how hurt I am. Tears welled up in my eyes but I blinked it back. I can’t cry. It will take more than that to break my spirit and make me cry. I plugged in my headphones and started working happily even though Selena did all that she could to double my workload before leaving the house, I still didn’t break down because thinking about Jason was enough to strengthen me. Tired, my back hurts and I was sweating like crazy when I finished. I checked the time to see that it was almost 6PM and I quickly called the restaurant to confirm my reservation. Despite my foster parents’ insults, I ignored them and got ready to go to the restaurant. I waited for Jason but he was running late, I knew him to always forget things like this because of all the stress of being an alpha. “Hey Jason, I’m at the BlueMoore restaurant already and I’m waiting for you. Call me back when you get this, I love you and happy anniversary to us. I’m excited.” I said after the beep. It’s been an hour and he still hasn’t shown up. Unable to keep waiting because of how everyone had started staring at me, I made my way to his house. I kept trying his phone but he wasn’t picking up even when I got to his house. Drawing in a sharp breath, my chest hurt, nothing felt right as I walked in after using the key he had given me. “f**k me! Yes, this p***y is all yours!” I froze in my tracks when the loud sound of a female moaning hit me as soon as I walked in. I swallowed, my throat went dry at once and my entire being was shaking but I didn’t want to believe that Jason was doing this, especially with the familiar voice. “Who is daddy’s slut?!” Jason’s voice came, hitting me like a blow and making me stagger as I got to his room. I extended my hand to turn the knob and what I saw made me feel like dying. “I’m daddy’s slut, I’m going to be your mate, right? I’m daddy’s mate!” Selena moaned excitedly with her head thrown back as she pounced on Jason’s c**k. No. No. This isn’t happening, there’s no way that this is happening. “That’s right, you’re going to be daddy’s mate.” Jason responded as he cupped her boobs before holding her waist as he rammed his d**k into her from below. I had no idea when the tear dropped until I tasted it in my mouth. Bells were ringing in my head and memories of what was supposed to be our love life over the years flooded me. “f**k, I’m coming, Jason. Your c**k is hitting the right spot and I’m coming.” Selena screamed in pleasure and soon, Jason’s muscles tightened as he held her tighter and increased his pace. Selena fell on his chest as they both breathed heavily and it wasn’t until then that they both noticed my presence but instead of remorse, they only laughed at me. “You can join us if you want.” Jason winked and my stomach tightened as anger swirled inside me like an erupting volcano and without thinking, I tossed the box I was holding at him. The expensive wristwatch and the cologne came flying out along with the beautiful note I’d composed, the bottle hit the wall and shattered, just like my heart. My teeth gritted as I walked towards them. “You bastard!” I gritted just at the time my hand landed on the vase that was on the table and again, I threw that at him but he dodged before rushing to me. “WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING?!” He yelled, pulling my hair while Selena laid on the bed laughing at my predicament. “You probably thought you were special because you had an alpha like him but trust me, you’re nothing but a worthless hag.” She spat as she laughed. I wanted to pounce on her, I wanted to bite and tear her apart with my bare hands but I couldn’t move. My legs betrayed me and I was still shaking from trying to process what I just saw. I felt like killing them. Maybe I should just do it. How could he? How could he do this to me? It’s supposed to be our anniversary. “I never liked you, Amy, I just enjoy the attention that came from being with you and well, I’m tired of it now.” Jason started and my mouth opened but I wasn’t able to let out a sound. I wanted to ask why. Why he thought cheating on me with my sister on our anniversary was the best way to punish me but none of my questions could come out of my mouth. “I can’t accept a disabled for a mate and with this, I, Jason Devin, am rejecting you, Amelia Elsher, as my mate.”

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