38.|| Falling For Him?

2411 Words

Amelia’s POV I turned on the bed and winced when I realized that I couldn’t close my legs properly. Groaning, I buried my face in the pillow as I let out a muffled scream. I couldn’t believe that I had once again listened to my body, I had once again listened to whatever s****l urge I had rushing through me that I allowed Castriel to f**k me again. ‘What are you doing, Amelia.’ I asked myself as I feigned my cries. I still felt sore, so sore that the last thing I wanted to do was get out of bed. I just wanted to sleep and remain on the bed without doing anything but the thought of all the chores I wanted to do crossed my mind and I just knew that I couldn’t do that. Looking at the bedside table, everything looked strange and different. My bedside clock wasn’t there, making me stand up

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