Sixteen.|| Sleepless Night.

2208 Words

Castriel’s POV I laid on my bed and tried to close my eyes, I felt tired and I knew that I had to rest but my heart was beating so fast that I knew sleeping was going to be the most difficult thing to do. Calm down, Castriel, you’re the only one in here. I kept repeating my nighttime mantra to myself but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t bring myself to let my eyes close. How long is this going to keep going on for? It wasn’t the first time that I’ve felt so tired that I needed to sleep but at the same time I couldn’t sleep and I also know that it’s not going to be the last time. Giving up, I stood from the bed and poured myself a glass of vodka laced with a little wolfsbane, one I know wouldn’t really work until I’ve had enough to knock myself out. Knocking myself out was also

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