Chapter 10

2602 Words

Easton pov     ‘Be reasonable, Easton. He’s our mate, ours. You can’t deny that.’ Aiden’s voice echoed through my mind. I growled at him, my feel padding on the thick forest ground as I ran, running as far as I could away from the house, away from Jared. I knew the direction he ran and I took a different one. What would happen if I kept running? Eventually, I’d have to stop, but did that mean I had to go back? Why? Back to what? ‘Back to Jared…’ Aiden whispered in my mind.      I growled again, lifting my head in the air and howling. ‘He’s not our mate! I can’t accept it! He’s my brother, Aiden! That’s...that’s incest, that’s gross!’ I whimpered, stopping at a stream. I looked down at my reflection, my deep red fur, as I drank some water. It was cold, crisp in my mouth as I drank it. I c

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