Chapter 7 still Wednesday two nights before welcoming the marking

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The kingdom It is now 8:00pm and Dan is sleeping still unconscious at the doctor packs seeing how upset Sarah was Nial offer her to go somewhere nice they went to a park walking next to each other Nial: Sarah are you okay now Sarah: yes im better now its so nice outside Nial looking in her eyes yes it is and i am happy we are here together just the two of use. They stayed like that looking at each other with love in their eyes both afraid to say something under the full moon Nial it is 12:00am full moon we have to mark each other so you can be min also to help you Sarah: i know it’s just i don’t want to get hurt again anymore ever again Nial: you wont are you ready to mark me? Sarah goes in front watching him in the eyes she looks down bitting his shoulder finishing her mark on him after that Nial does the Same thing completing half of the bond until they mate Nial: Can i see your red wolf Sarah: im afraid i wont be able to control my wolf she doesn’t want to listen to me Layla: are you really that afraid of me cause I’m rebellious wolf Nial don’t worry im your mate Sarah turns into a red wolf but she has trouble controlling Layla eyes turning red looking at her mate Nial seems scare its me your mate focus after that he turned into his black wolf Felix finally i can see my red mate Layla recognized her mate calmed down licking each-other laying near after an hour their wolfs marked each other then Felix marked her other wolf than they turned into their wolf form Dan finally i found you guys its time we go to finish the process that needs to be done Sarah: When did you wake up and no i cant let him die because of me Dan: a few hours ago Nial: This is a sacrifice im willing to do for my love than he kissed her now lets go no one can stop me you wont die After a few minutes they arrived at the cage Dan: Sarah i know you wont do it so thats why i found another vampire to drink his blood sorry i have to do this he putted a sleeping spell on her than called in the vampire to help him The vampire came in and ran toward Nial drinking he’s blood than he turned around its done he’s dead don’t worry tomorrow morning he will be a soul without a spirit also a hybrid with vampire blood but he cant transform for 4 to 7 days which you know be careful with his demon it is evil without a soul he will need to control it first after that the vampire vanish. Dan was happy it was over but he knows that Nial wont be that powerful until they mate with each other also the witch told them to not mate because of the change of what their child can become this thought frighten them he went upstairs leaving Nial in his room Sarah Pov All morning i have been at the field training avoiding my mate since last night after the wonderful kiss that im thinking about we are working hard both in human and wolf form after that i have to go out with the girls to buy a dress for the welcoming party with my other friends Ashley and Lily at the mall. After hours of training it is finally 1 pm getting ready i took a shower brush my teeth did my hair put on close and went to the mall with my friends Lily after shopping for hours i finally found the perfect dress it was a red strapless dress shaping me perfect underneath my hips also red heals,Lily found a gorgeous black dress and Ashley a blue on then we went to Victoria secret worse mistake ever they bought me braw pants also revealing sexy hot thongs i was embarrassed then we did our hair. Nail has woken up feeling different knowing it was done he now was not a human he didn’t have a soul he stayed in his room thinking.While going to the pack we heard a Scream Sarah watch out turning our head we saw a rogue almost throwing a silver knife at Sarah but her mate saved her grabbing the rogue killing him. They walked to the pack together no one saying anything suddenly Dan looks angry Lily: what is wrong Dan; what happened to my wolf Why cant i sense my wolf or shift Lily: let us explain what happened Dan: What how can i be a beta without a wolf I’m giving up my position also I’ve lost my friend a apart of me don’t follow me please running into the woods everyone was watching quite. Dan Pov Where am i? In the packs hospital? Hello is anyone here why isn’t my mind link working suddenly foot steps where heard and the door open the doctor came in . Hello Dan how are you feeling? You where shot with a demons sword and have been out since yesterday all day everyone was worried Dan: what suddenly he remembered everything forget it i need to find them right now. After a few hours finally i found them we finished the process Nial was now dead until tomorrow better go to sleep. Next day Dan woke up at 6pm wanting to shift hello wolf lets go for a run but nothing no sound he couldn’t talk or feel his wolf searching for his mate and sister finally finding them what happened to my wolf Dan asked they looked at him with sad eyes. Impossible i loss my wolf my other half being angry he left running. Demon Ha ha ha ha finally my plan is working now without his wolf his powers even if Nial turns theres no one to train him i will finally win just have to wait a few more days and the kingdom will be mine along with the entire world. The kingdom Everyone had the day off from training since we have two days for the welcoming party Dan was outside with his son and pregnant wife, Nial and Sarah where talking about their powers and the past everything seem nice and peaceful after that everyone sat down to eat. After that Dan,Lily,Ashley Nial and Sarah decided to play truth or dare the first one stopped on Dan i dare you to kiss your mate after that the bottle stopped at Lily truth Sarah asked what are you hiding she said its a girl everyone was speechless than it was Sarah turn truth what is you biggest secret being shock by the question she got a pen and paper wrote something than went upstairs when everyone read the paper they couldn’t believe their eyes Sarah was r***d by her stepfather when she was 15 but he pretended to be nice threatening that if she told someone or did something he will hurt the people that cared about her so Sarah stayed in that house having no where to go and was frightened now knowing about the powers promising that she will make him pay after the war ends. The next day it was 5pm Nial being concerned about his mate because she has been in her room since last night wanted to see her staying behind the bedroom door Nial: can i come in pleas Sarah finally open the door come in but please don’t ask anything I’m not ready to talk about it so he only hugged her and stayed like that for hours. Kormos meaning demon his dark red wolf: Hello friend nice to meat you ready for evil Nial: who are you Kormos: Im you read soulless evil dark wolf Nial: what i still have a weak to transform Kormos: hahahha you cant transform but you do get your wolf son duhh we are big and strong Nial: forget about your evil thoughts they’re no good now I’m blocking you out bye bye Tomorrow is the welcoming party everyone was happy talking laughing watching when Dan said hey lets go for a run our wolfs need it after that they shifted into their wolfs running into the woods for hours then they went to bed. Dan and Sarah Pov Playing in the park they saw a women in a white dress mom both of them said to the moon goddess Hello my children I’ve missed you both so much you have become stronger and better now the reason I’m here is that i missed also to warn you again that you will get betrayed by someone , it will all be a plan please watch out for each other after the dream they both woke up not able to sleep staying in their room but Nial hasn’t slept he’s head has been hurting he started reading peoples mind, seeing the past, he was able to use some of his powers breaking all the stuff, making fire, talking to the dead he was shock didn’t Dan said Im not supposed to transform or get powers for four days i will talk with him tomorrow at breakfast.
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