Chapter 6 meeting evil dad and a unforgettable worse night betrayed again

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The kingdom next morning Sarah Pov Waking up headed to the bathroom I’ve got ready for the day and went to the training center but notice that no one from my old pack was there angry i went inside their pack house making a big bang sound few minutes later screaming where heard and everyone was downstairs in their pajamas tired Sarah: what time is it didn’t i tell you to be at the training center at 6 am everyone has 5 min to get ready and come there or else they will se my evil side: Both her wolfs go girl After 5 min everyone was at the training center waiting for Sarah Sarah: today i will be training women’s my brother will be training mens together with Alpha Nial Jessica: why should we listen to you your week me and Chloe challenge you to a fight Sarah: laughing you really think you can beat me okay lets get ready after a couple minutes they started fighting at her Jessica started running towards to punch her but Sarah punched her really hard and then she froze Jessica with powers and threw her far away after that Chloe started running towards hear to her but she couldn’t touch Sarah she ended with a broken nose after all this Nial challenge her in wolf form they both shifted fighting each other for hours she wanted to be fair so she didn’t use her powers then when Sarah thought they were done Nial wolf jumped on her and marked Elin wolf sadly her wolf Elin marked his wolf too she was in her white wolf then they felt the bond but the humans where still not marked Sara shifted back and teleported her self somewhere mad hiding her scent she did not want to be found being upset with her wolf for not asking but not with Nail honestly even though she wanted revenge before now everything has changed Nial hasn’t mated with her sister, seeing’s his past two years sad in pain with regret wondering if she should give him a change Sarah teleported in a place she hasn’t been in hell looking around shocked there was nothing but fire and a man staring at her Sarah: who are you? Man: don’t you recognize the person that killed your mom? Sarah: Dad why am i here Dad: i need to talk to you so when you wanted to teleport i bought you here I’m really sorry what i did to your mom im sorry but let me help with your step brother Sarah: how can you help me? Why should I believe you after killing mom Dad: I’m the king of hell since i died and the only way to kill him is to sacrifice yourself with the death demon spell or with his evil dagger to stab him in the heard saying the spell see if im lying Sarah: thank you for your help i never knew hell was like this better go back. Demon This will be the last time they sleep together soon the queen wont remember her loved mate they cant defeat us we have help from rogues and vampire training everyday you will see me soon my love i will destroy you Jessica and Chloe we are ready to start plan one i want you to kill her friend Vicky it seems she has forgotten about her tonight. Jessica and Chloe:yes finally some fun we will make sure she has a long painful death torturing her slowly then send a message with her heart cruel. Nial Pov We haven’t seen My mate all day I’m starting to get worried Dan also is angry for not telling us Suddenly a bright light came through the room Sara where did you go? Sarah: Brother don’t be mad I’ve met dad in hell he told me how to kill our stepbrother Dan: what are you crazy to go there knowing you risked your life it was really dangerous Sarah:sorry it just happened he teleported me there wanting to warn me anyway heard you guys talking last night the marking seems to quick but i will do it for the pack brother also can we talk private Nial he left Sarah: I’ve been thinking a-lot about us also seeing your past your pain sadness i will give you a second chance by proving you’ve changed not because of the war Nial: looked happy touched and kissed her this time no one was angry after that before Sarah went to the room turning around asked sleep next to me tonight in my room promise to behave? I would love to lets go. At Sarahs room they laid next to each other with her head on his chest legs on his legs and he wrapped his hand around her falling asleep happy. Dan with his mate read a bed time story to their son after that they kissed looking in each others eyes lovely couple then falling asleep . No one knew they where being watched all night everyday until someone gets hurt. The moon goddess smiling how happy her kids look wondering how long it will last.Around 1:00am a women scream was heard rushing to the guest room everyone was shock Sarah kept on crying Vicky was murdered by someone her whole body covered in blood a note, pictures with her heart pulled out showing she was pretending to be her friend to help the demon they took her body and burned her after that they couldn’t sleep because of the warning meaning the war is coming Sarah got so angry that she turned into her black wolf with evil eyes and destroyed the entire room she had enough with people betraying she went outside and after a hour she came around some rogues with red eyes they got scared she run at them and threw them after that she turned into her demon form using all her dark power creating a fire dropping there body in they burned to death with red eyes looking evil shifting back to her normal self then everything went black . Nial Pov Me and Dan have been searching for my mate finally we heard screaming and rushed there the scene made me wanting to vomit rogues where burned my mate was lying unconscious we picked her up going to the packs doctor after making sure she was okay i went to her room laying on the bed with my arms around my mates waist. Sarah has been sleeping for a whole day everyone has been waiting for her to wake up worried especially since it’s Wednesday two days before we have to mark or else we will all be in danger. I have been wondering about meeting her black wolf it scares me maybe we can go for run when i get my black wolf and lying next to each other outside all night. Flix his wolf: hey what about me i need to se my mates wolf again Nial: you will now please stop I’m going to make sure eveyone is training until my mate wakes up Flix: imagine how hot she will be in bed Nial: you are a horny wolf lets go now Everyone was training together today with Dan really tired they still had two hours left complaining His mate was helping today training the women’s when they where don training with speed strength punch also in there wolf form everyone was free to do what they want now. Dan notice something was wrong with his mate are you okay my love? Yes I’m just tired lets go and eat while they where walking the demon appeared Demon: Hello stepbrother Dan: teleported his wife what do you want again Demon: aww are you not happy to see me we are family anyway i just paid a visit letting you know your wife is pregnant again she was waiting to tell you tonight who will take care of her when everything is over don’t worry i will be happy to make her mine including your sister Dan: was beyond angry he shifted into his wolf running towards him but the demon threw the wolf really hard then compelled him to stab himself after that the demon left. Lily his mate felt that something happen rushing in the room screaming called a pack member to pick her mate they went to the packs hospital finally after few hours the doctor came out. Sarah had woken an hour ago and rushed to the hospital. Doctor: he is gonna get better but we have to let your beta rest also his wolf got stabbed by demon sword we don’t know what happen but we cant feel his wolf present hopefully we will in a few days. The pack was devastated hearing that the beta cant feel his wolf what will they say when he will want to shift,Lily was really sad just staring who did this but Sarah knew and promise she will get revenge
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