1873 Words

CHAPTER FIFTEEN Despite what I said, I wasn’t sure I could save him. Strike was now up to his thighs and soon he would be into the floor up to his waist. Once his head went under, there would be no saving him even with my super strength. But then I noticed that Strike wasn’t sinking into the floor as quickly as he used to. Indeed, I noticed I was now starting to pull him out, slowly and surely, inch by inch, until finally, I pulled him free of the floor entirely. I saw Phaser’s hands grasp at the air for a moment like he was trying to pull Strike back in, but then they vanished beneath the floor and Phaser was once again out of sight. “Thanks,” said Strike, panting hard. He rose to his feet, albeit slowly and uncertainly due to the poison in his system. “Sure thought I was a goner there

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