1438 Words

CHAPTER THIRTEEN Impossible,” said Strike. He coughed several times. “You can’t be him. Phaser died years ago, killed by—” “It’s him,” said Triplet. He didn’t hide the distaste in his voice as he looked upon Phaser. “I knew him when I was in the NHA. Looks and sounds just like him. He’s even wearing his costume.” “This old thing?” said Phaser. He ran his hands down his costume in a way that seemed sensual, which just made me uncomfortable. “It’s a little outdated, I will admit, but my dear brother kept it for me for the day when he would bring me back to life. That’s true brotherly love right there.” “You should be dead,” said Triplet. “I saw your body. I was even at your funeral.” Phaser smiled, revealing crooked, yellowing teeth. “You were? How sweet of you. I thought you hated me a

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