A Cheater

1021 Words
Red lipstick, a red strapless dress which clung to the skin and a crocodile leather bag which I held on one hand, bouncy hair and a proud look was my expression as I made my way towards my boyfriend's apartment. It was a rare occasion for me to dress so beautifully, so no doubt, it caused countless stares from the people around. Gossips were things I hated most, so when I figured out they were now diving into it, I quickened my pace. Soon, I stopped before the familiar room, took out the key to it and slid it into the keyhole. My excitement soon died down, becoming replaced by that of despair when I saw the scene before me. "Bla..ke, what is going on?" I managed to ask, ignoring the pain in my heart as my eyes lingered on the girl who was straddling him. Blake threw the cigarette in his hands away and gently touched the girl on his laps. "Leah, meet Scarlett Kendrick, the i***t who made all our fantasies come true." The girl, Leah, got off his laps and turned to me. My world came crashing down when I realized who it was. "Leah Kendrick!" I screamed angrily rushing up to her, but to my surprise, Blake instantly got up and shielded her behind him. "Get a grip on yourself and stop acting impulsive!" He frowned, looking down at me impatiently. This tone and attitude was extremely new to me as the memory I had of him was of him being considerate, kind and loving. I stared at them squarely before asking. "What are you doing with her, Blake?" "What does it look like to you!" He snapped impatiently and moved towards me. "You've always been a fool and that is why you've always failed to realize I've never liked you!" The words struck me so hard that I gasped out in shock. I looked behind him to see Leah, my stepsister grinning wickedly at me. Instantly, I rushed towards Blake and caught his hand. "You're lying, right? Tell me now! Did she threaten you with anything? I will get it back for you if that's what you want!" I guess I had my hope quite high as the small shove he gave me, sent me sprawling to the ground. I looked up at him in disbelief. His eyes, which were filled with disgust, looked down at me before he scoffed and squatted down to my level. "I've never liked you, Scarlett Kendrick. In my eyes, you're a sl.ut who depend on men to make a living! Never will I descend to be with a used woman like you! Never!" His words were like a dagger being pushed into my heart several times. I recoiled on the floor as I stared up at the man who I had risked everything for. "So, you played me for three years?" I asked, feeling tears rolling down my cheeks. Blake had gone from the gentleman I used to know to a refined rascal with no emotion in a matter of one night. Just last night, I was in his room as we both made plans for our future! Because of him I had something I promised myself never to do! I heard the man snort as he stood back to his full height. He turned and walked back to Leah and held her hand in his. "Leah has always been the one my heart beats for. Thanks to you, I helped your father, her step father secure a project which fetched him millions. Now, he really thinks I'm a capable son in-law and has approved of my relationship with his daughter. Our wedding will be in a week's time. You're invited." Lowering my head, I bit at the inside of my cheeks recalling the humiliation I had passed through just to be with him. Because I loved him so much, when the doctor said he needed a surgery in order to continue living, I took up stripping. I quarreled a lot with my father because of him. Yet, this same man who I had sacrificed everything for, just told me to my face he didn't give a hoot about me. My dignity and everything I stood for was put to shame! I thought I was doing the right thing. I thought he'd do the same for me. I thought I had found the right partner, but now, I see I've been living in my own little, miserable world. "You should leave now. Blake and I will be visiting my father later for an official introduction." Leah's voice interrupted my train of thought. I got up, nodded and sauntered out of the apartment. I looked nothing like when I first came and for the first time, the harsh realities which I had often disregarded got thrown onto my face. Life was always unfair and there was nothing like karma. As I walked the lonely streets, it began drizzling and soon a lot of people began seeking shelter. I, on the other hand, found the rain soothing to my soul. The makeup I spent hours putting on was now smeared. Although I can't see my face, I'm very sure of that. I didn't realize how long I stayed under the rain nor did I see the black van heading towards me. I only saw the flashlights when it got to me. Out of fear, I shut my eyes tightly, patiently waiting for death to claim me. However, I was drawn out of my thoughts when I felt something hit me hard on my head. The air now smelt strange and I no longer felt any rain falling down on me. When I finally opened my eyes, it met with that of an emerald, green eyes. A man on white lab coat drove the syringe in his hand into a vein in my hand. Only then did I notice everyone around me was masked. I tried to protest, but I felt extremely drowsy. The last thing I remembered seeing was a black shiny leather shoe and a skull tattoo before I passed out
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