“Hey Max, Alan, do you think we should use our power to catch our dinner?”
“B-But didn’t Master Tenshi said that we shouldn’t do that?”
Contrary to his wild transformation, Alan’s real personality is quite timid.
“As long as he didn’t find out, won’t it be okay?”
Showing a devious smile on his face, Iki found a rabbit not far from where they are standing and immediately pushed Alan forward.
“If I used my fire ability, there would be a noticeable burn mark, and Max’s wind will also cause such a sign. If you catch them while you are transformed, there shouldn't be any mark, right?”
Alan pushed up the glasses he is wearing before thinking for a bit and put his glasses away.
“I guess what you said is true.”
After that, Alan transformed and quickly pounced on the fleeing rabbit. There is no way for the target in front of him to escape. In one swift movement, Alan appeared at some distance away with the rabbit in his hand.
“Good, it’s a success. Should we catch some more or just this one?”
“I think one is enough. If we catch too many, Master Tenshi will be suspicious.”
“That’s true. Now, shall we go back?”
“No, if we go back early, Master Tenshi will know it too. Here, do this too.”
Iki then smeared some dirt from the ground on his clothes, Max’s and Iki’s.
“If we went back and looked too clean, Master Tenshi will sure know that we cheated.”
After making sure that there is no loophole that Master Tenshi could pick on, the trio walk back triumphantly with a happy look on their face.
Arriving at the cabin again, the rich trio also comes back from their hunt. Looking at the dejected look on their face, it seemed that their hunt doesn’t go well. After all, they stuck to Master Tenshi’s warning and didn’t use their power at all.
When Master Tenshi saw them coming back, he let out a smile as he looked at the rabbit on Iki’s hand.
“Oh, I couldn’t imagine that you could actually bring back a rabbit.”
Hearing Master Tenshi said that Elica’s, Kieran’s, and Giovanni's gaze all fell to the white animal that is trying to run away.
“We just got lucky. You see, we work hard to catch it.”
Contrary to the rich trio's clean look, the humble trio looked like they went through a great deal to catch the white rabbit.
“Oh, is that right? So, who caught the rabbit?”
Iki and Max immediately pointed their hands to Alan.
“Well, if Alan is the one catching it, why are your clothes so dirty?”
“Ah, it’s because Max and I run around to corner the rabbit.”
“Now, you can let the rabbit go and try to catch it once again. I want to see the whole process.”
“Eh, I should release it? But, what about dinner?”
“You can just catch it again later using your power. Right now, I want to see how you catch it without power.”
It seemed that Master Tenshi have seen through their lies and doing this on purpose. Iki also couldn’t do anything else but to let the rabbit go. Max and Alan also showed a wry smile as they are now earnestly trying to catch the rabbit without using any power at all. This time, the cheating trio rolled on the ground, run after the rabbit desperately, yet they still failed to catch the rabbit.
After a few minutes of making a fool of themselves, the rabbit is eventually caught by Master Tenshi.
“Okay, I think that’s enough exercise after dinner. You guys can wait over there for a bit. There are also some sets for camping tents. You can try to raise the tent while waiting for the food to be done. What? You can’t possibly expect to sleep in my cabin, aren’t you? Of course, you can use the toilet inside, but that’s it.”
After hearing that, the people know that there is no compromise and they should set the tent up, or they will be sleeping outside tonight.
As Iki has done camping before, he could set up his tent without any problem and continue on to help Alan and Max. After that, he looked at the rich trio that seemed to be having trouble.
“Do you guys need some help to raise your tent?”
“Well, I’m embarrassed to say this, but I have never done this before. I would gladly take your offer.”
Kieran doesn’t have any trouble accepting the help and joined hands with Iki to raise his. Alan, as he has watched Iki pitched his tent, just now has a little bit of knowledge, so he also approached Giovanni to help him.
Although Giovanni has never done it, as usually his butler is the one doing a task like this, he still tried to raise his tent on his own and was thankful for Alan’s help.
Feeling awkward being left alone, Max moved towards Elica as she is the only one standing alone now. However, unlike the rest, she never even tried to open the bag containing the tent. When Max arrived, she only looked at him and then pointed to the tent using her eyes. As if she is saying, “you should be the one raising my tent”.
Looking at that, Max can feel that he wanted to turn his body this instant and returned to his own tent. However, looking at Elica’s cold stare, it was as if she is saying, “either you pitch my tent for me, or I’ll use your tent tonight”. With a helpless sigh, Max then proceeds to raise Elica’s tent for her.
After all six tents are lined up together and raised perfectly, Master Tenshi walks out with a big pot in hand. The rice is already brought out earlier when Iki brought back the rabbit. Setting out plates, finally, everyone sitting around the fireplace since that’s where the log for sitting is located.
“I hope you don’t mind eating my home-cooked meal.”
Kieran, as the most sociable among them, immediately chimed in. “Not at all. In fact, we’re honored to enjoy food cooked by an S-rank hero.”
It wasn’t a lie at all since who else got the privilege to eat the meal cooked by Master Tenshi.