The Heart Break
As I'm standing in the the doorway to my now empty bedroom, I close my eyes and think back, to how this happened.
Isaac Colins, we met in ninth grade. He was the guy all the girls loved, red hair, green eyes, tall, worked out, dimples, freckles, and was a hell of a goal keeper on the soccer team. We dated from the Halloween dance that year, til we recently broke up about seven weeks ago.
We were going to a party of a mutual friend, I was invited to all the parties, as Isaac was popular. My aunt was visiting from Calgary and I couldn't get out of seeing her at my other aunts house so I couldn't go to the party, or so I thought. My best friend Julie at the time was still planning on going, which was cool. She was a pretty girl, tall, slim, light brown hair down passed her shoulders, and grey/ green eyes.
My parents and I ended up coming home early and decided to get ready quick and show up at the party, I didn't text Julie, nor Isaac, I thought it would be better to surprise them. As I walk through the door, I was greeted by someone in Isaac's class but didn't know his name. The party was booming, I seen a bunch of people I knew in my class and other grades, I walked around said hello as I looked around for either Julie, or Isaac, couldn't find them. I finally asked if anyone seem them, a girl yelled out "Check upstairs". upstairs? I thought, why would they be up there. Three bedrooms where up there, not including the bathroom, I checked two, nothing, as I walk to the end of the hallway to the third and final bedroom, I could hear giggling inside, I knew that giggle anywhere it was Julie. I opened the door, and my heart sank, Julie was sitting on top of Isaac no top on. Isaac threw Julie off of him, "It's not what it looks like Sam" he said getting out the bed, he was dressed in only his lime green boxer briefs, I shook my head and walked out "unbelievable" I said not even looking back.
I went home, and sat on my doorstep for what seemed like hours, I heard the front door open, "Honey, is everything alright? my mom asked. I didn't answer, instead the tears starting rolling down my face. I knew my father was now standing there, I could feel his sad eyes looking at me. My mom grabbed one of her big throw blankets off the couch and sat on the step with me, while I cried and cried.