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~ALTHEA "Get out!" The authority alone in his voice made me flinch. There was something I caught in the tone of his voice. It was almost as if he had become somebody else. "Didn't you hear my brother? Get out!" Kael screamed before pulling me up and tossing me away from the bed. I landed on the floor and glared up at him in horror. Even Kael had the aura in him. I was still too shocked to move when all three brothers sat up and glared at me. Since the candlelight was gone and only little light flowed in, the eyes of the triplets began to glow again, making them resemble the devils they were sung to be. I let out a shaky breath as I struggled to my feet. I staggered back the moment I stood due to the activities that had been performed on my body. I wanted to fall but I forced myself to walk even though my body was protesting. I could feel their eyes on my back as I staggered away. Thankfully, my robe was still on my body since it had not been completely removed. I closed it with the help of the belt just as I reached the door. I pulled it open and as I stopped before walking out. I stole a glance behind at them and saw that they were still glaring at me with glowing orbs. "What are you waiting for? Get the f**k out!" Tristan screamed this time as he abruptly got to his feet. The fear of his outburst caused me to jump out of the room and bang the door closed. An involuntary shiver ran down my spine as I stared at the door. Then I shrugged it away and turned toward the corridor that lay beyond. It was surprisingly empty when it should have had guards in case I tried to escape. I sighed and was about to find my way back to the hall when I heard a whisper. "Althea. . ." It reached my ears in the form of my name. I stopped in my tracks and turned in that direction. The hall was as empty as it had been moments ago. Perhaps I had imagined it. I started dragging myself away in an attempt to reach my room faster when it came again. "Althea. . ." It called. I froze and turned slowly in that direction for the second time. The dimly lit corridor looked empty but I suddenly felt the hair at the back of my neck rise. Someone was watching me. "Who's there?" I called as I felt my heart begin to pound as hard as it had done when I was in the presence of the devilish triplets. There was no answer but the feeling only got stronger. I could not tell if it was only in my head or if someone was truly there. "Show yourself!" I called but my intake of breath had become too heavy for me to handle. I started retreating slowly at first while still searching the corridor warily. I was too scared to turn my back on it, thinking that I would get attacked from behind. When I saw that my body was beginning to scream at me to run, I did not think twice. I ran. Adrenaline shot through my veins as I pushed myself through the long and empty corridors. How could no guard be in the halls at all? I could give anything to see someone appear and save me from the invincible or probably imaginary force that was chasing me. When I saw the grand doors of the slave hall, I let out a cry of relief and burst through the doors in one go. I landed on the floor immediately and I started to ask myself if this had become my special way of making my entrance. I lifted myself slowly to see the girls staring back at me. It was either they had been awake the entire time or I had woken them up with my entrance. "What do you know, she actually survived it," a girl broke the silence in a sarcastic and cold tone. I recognized the girl as the one who had acted coldly to me earlier while choosing a bed. "Then she'll live," another voice joined us but it came from above. It sounded husky and carried a seductive air around it. I whipped my head toward the sound to see the one who resided above staring down at me with little to no interest. "By morning, you'll get to meet me officially," she added before turning around swiftly. Her long blond hair swayed from side to side as she found her way into her room. Mira stood up and came to kneel before me. She lifted me and helped me to my bed. Then she gave me a small plate containing chopped bananas. "I saved some for you. I know you've not had anything to eat in days," she muttered. I hesitated at first, before accepting the small bowl from her. My stomach suddenly growled, killing any form of dignity that I had left and Mira only smiled at me. "Thank you," I told her softly. Then I started munching at the bananas on the plate. My stomach began to ache the moment the food entered my stomach and I understood it was because I had been starving for too long. "You're hurting, aren't you?" Mira asked while watching me eat. I only stopped and looked up at her. Deep down, I asked myself why she was been this nice to me but I buried the question within me. Maybe she was dying to talk to someone about her pain. "I am," I managed to say before going back to munching at my food. I wondered what I would have done without Mira to help me. I truly was. My body had not stopped trembling and it was now aching all over. The burns were eating at me and I was sure that I probably had bruises all over. Yet another part of me wanted it and more. The thought startled me but I swallowed it. Then thoughts about the incident in the corridor came back to me. I was still trying to understand if it had happened or not. Was it just a figment of my imagination? Mira noticed that my face looked worried. "Are you okay? What's wrong?" She asked. Maybe this was my chance to ask her about it. She was the only one who could tell me anything if there indeed was something to be done. "Mira, I'm going to ask you something but I need you to promise me that you won't ask me questions," I began and Mira narrowed her eyes at me before nodding slowly. "Have you ever heard someone call to you in the dark corridors?" I asked. Mira froze at my question before composing herself again. She blinked multiple times and I caught the look in her eyes. There was fear in them and I wondered who this person was. "I don't know what you're talking about," she said instead. I frowned. Her facial expression showed that she was scared. I was not ready to drop it. "Have you felt any presence in the corridors?" I asked again. Mira abruptly got to her feet. "I told you, I don't know what you're talking about!" She exclaimed and her tone gave her away. "You should get some sleep. We don't know what tomorrow holds or what the Masters will subject you to," she concluded before walking hastily to her bed. I realized that she was trying to use anger to escape the question. I knew that there was nothing I would say that was going to make her change her mind. So I let it slide, for now, but I knew that I was going to bring it back up the moment I got the chance to. I quietly watched her leave my side while my heart ached to know the truth. I threw a glance up at the room above us. That woman was probably sleeping soundly. I figured that she had to be of a higher rank, although, I wondered why she was also sleeping in the same place as us. I shrugged it away and decided to turn my attention back to getting some rest. The day had been long and hectic. Yet in a few hours, the Lycans had succeeded in taking me to another world. I groaned in pain as I finally lay on the bed. I tossed to the other side as I tried to find comfort but I could not. My insides burned from my escapes with the Lycans. My p***y still throbbed because of Kael. My mind went back to the encounter in the corridor. The strange whisper of my name came back to my mind and I started pondering on it again. How did whoever it was know my name? What did they want with me? What exactly lay inside this castle?
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