1638 Words

~ALTHEA Water splashed over me and I woke up with a start. My heart hammered hard against my chest as I felt the water drip down my face. I turned a shocked gaze up at the one who had dared to wake me up like this. It was the cold girl. The girl who decided that she did not like me since the very first day I came. I corked my brows even higher than they already were. My eyes went wide as I felt anger building up in my core. "How dare you wake me up in this manner?" I lashed out at her. She looked taken aback by my outburst and her blue robe swayed as she retreated. As if she had not believed once that I could ever have it in me to attack her. "I sent Linda to do it," a sly, husky voice replied. Instinctively, I shot my eyes in her direction and regarded her. It was the woman who l

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