1664 Words

~TRISTAN My eyes flew open abruptly. There was a strange aura in the room. It made me feel uneasy. My wolf stirred uncomfortably within me. I remained still while keeping my eyes on the ceiling as I tried to sniff out what was wrong but I got nothing. Suddenly, I heard Althea mumbling words to herself. I turned in her direction and saw her shaking her head in odd ways. I pouted my lips in puzzlement. "Althea?" I called but there was no response from her. It was as if she was stuck in a bad dream. I wondered what she could be dreaming of that got her worked up. Perhaps a nightmare about all her dead friends. I chuckled. "The poor thing," I muttered and tried to get back to sleep. I tossed to the other side of the room and was about to shut my eyes when I caught the smell of a burning

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