1798 Words

WARNING: THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS VISUALLY GRAPHIC AND TRIGGERING TORTURE. IF THIS ISN’T YOUR SCENE, PLEASE SKIP TO THE NEXT CHAPTER. ~ALTHEA "We're going to my Playhouse." I felt the world slow as I let out a shaky breath. I blinked once and slowly threw my eyes to my friends. They were sobbing and flood of tears flowed down their eyes. Our eyes met for split seconds and I saw the fear in them. They did not know what was waiting for them in the Playhouse, they only had stories to prepare them. But those stories were an understatement to the true horror that awaited them. Memories of the playhouse came rushing into my head and I felt shock seize me. I could never wish something as bad as that horror to befall even my enemies yet the Lycans were about to do it to my friends. "Now you're

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