1635 Words

~ALTHEA I was to blame. I should not have. I should have been submissive. I should have given in. I should have let go. But I did not and here we were. They ripped out a ninth nail on each girl. Lana's cry was louder this time. Rita could not even scream anymore. Her voice had dried and from where I was, I could see the way her body was trembling. Kael kept whispering painful words into my ears. Caliban and Tristan kept mocking me with their laughter. And my insides continued churning at the sight before me. "How many times must I beg you? Let them go?" I cried as tears escaped my eyes. My body still trembled violently and my body temperature had dropped. A harsh migraine had taken over my head and it pounded hard. "Not until their punishment is over," Caliban stated calmly. I sque

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