1833 Words

~ALTHEA "The fire. . . It was you, wasn't it?" I let out a shaky breath as I feigned ignorance. Maybe there was still a way for me to keep it to myself. "What do you mean?" I demanded instead. He narrowed his eyes and began to approach me slowly. I tried to stop myself from breathing heavily under his intimidating aura yet his towering frame cast a shadow upon me and only made things worst. So instead, I avoided his eyes out of fear that he would be able to see past my lies. "Look at me, Althea," Tristan urged. I noticed that he looked refreshed and brand new, there was no longer any evidence of him ever been in a fire last night. I blinked multiple times before giving in to his instruction and looking up into his eyes. I was met with the most intense stare I had gotten in days— per

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