Chapter 19 Cleaning Up

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Garrett's POV My mouth along with everyone else's around me has dropped to the floor, if that was even physically possible, at the shock before us.. No one knows what to say at this horrifying sight. We watch as Jaxon gets out of the car after a run down from the cops and gets filled with bullets. What breaks my heart more than anything, leaving more of an impression than anything else in my mind, is Lilly running to his side like the amazing woman she is, trying to help him as she cries and puts pressure on his wounds.. the camera view is from up above but even from that angle and how far away it is you can see all the blood loss and how much it has covered her in that small moment of her being by his side. I watch as the cops try to help her and I can see she is yelling at them, but I'm just sure she is really overwhelmed and stressed at everything she has been through. She loved him so much and I know her heart is probably broken into two at the moment.. But the worst part is knowing I'm not there to help her in her time of need. I watch the cops surround her blocking the reporters from her as the put her into the back of the cop car. A sigh of relief leaves my lips just knowing she is in safe hands.. That is until I watch the reporters trying to get some kind of response from her like wolves fighting over scraps of meat. They switch the view from the helicopter to a news reporter who is by the car and all I can see is Lilly tucking her head in her arms and legs to try to hide and that just builds a rage inside of me I didn't know I had. "Why can't they just leave her alone those vultures! Look at her all alone in there, looking so heartbroken a devastated and all those people care about is getting a story!" I yell to no one in particular as I throw my hands in the air pacing back and forth until I feel hands on my shoulder. "It's ok Gary they can't get to her and the cops will help her.. See! Look! They are pushing everyone away now.. see she is ok.." My mother reassuringly to me as I look back to the TV and watch the officer pushing back the crowd of reporters. We hear Mr.Miller's phone ringing as we all hold our breathe, waiting for him to answer because we only assume it's about Lilly. He answers pretty quickly and humming in response with whatever is being said to Mr.Miller. I feel my heart racing in anticipation just wanting to know what's said. "He is here with me I will be sure to let him know. Thank you again " He says as he hangs up the call and turns to us. "Obviously we saw that they have her in custody at the moment, but she is pretty upset and having a hard time right now.. he said they are filing the reports and have to get statements from her then they will be heading back by plane." He says to us as we all nod feeling a big weight lifted off our shoulders, but like I said before, I won't feel better until I have her in my arms once more. "See, everything is ok and she will be back with us in no time at all.. So you can breathe a sigh of relief Gary." My mother says to me still trying to calm me, since you can tell by my stance that I'm still very tense. "Mom thank you so much for your kind words, but I'm not going to feel better until I have her back in my arms.. She is not here so I don't feel better yet. I think I might wait for them at the airport." I inform them as Mr.Miller comes to my side patting my shoulder, gaining my attention. "They probably won't be leaving anytime soon so let's give it and hour or two and then we will head out to go wait for her together ok?" He asks me as I nod in response. "Ok I'll go take a shower, get changed and wait until you want to go and then probably wait more.. but don't feel like you have to come with me.. I do appriciate the support either way." I reply to him as he sends a small smile my way nodding then replyings back pretty quickly. "You have always been family to us Garrett and I want to help you out as much as I want to help my daughter right now.. So I know how you feel, I won't feel better until she is back with us." He says to me making me feel better that I'm not the only one feeling this way. I hear my phone ringing as I pick it up without a moment to lose. "Hello?" I greet as I hear in response. "Hello Garrett this is Officer Smith I know you are there with Mr.Miller and I'm sure he has informed you that we have Lilly in our possession.. But I called you personally because I wanted to help ease your mind, even if it's just slightly.. We are taking Lilly back to the station here to finish up the loose ends of our paperwork and letting her get cleaned up since she is covered in blood.. but not her own!" He says pretty quickly trying to clarify so I don't worry too much. "Oh we saw everything on the news I know." I say to him as he continues on adding to his explanation. "Yes I'm sorry about that, but sadly we can't control the reporters and new crews around us as well as we would like.. but we tried. I did have a talk with Lilly because she is pretty upset understandably.. but I thought it would make you feel better to know that all she keeps asking for is you.. She says she just wants you, needs you and can't calm down without you. I told her how I'm sure your feeling the same.. I even told her about how I had to give you the bullet proofed vest because you insisted on coming with us and that made her smile even if it's just for a moment.. But we just finished up at the crime scene and are headed back to the station now, so in about an hour maybe 2 depending on how long everything takes, we will be heading back on a plane which took us about an hour to get back.. but we will be seeing you soon.. I just wanted to make sure you knew how you're the motivation keeping her going at this point. I thought that might make you feel better like it did for her." I let out a deep breath as I reply back. "Yes sir, thank you that eases my mind slightly, but I'll probably be waiting for you guys at the airport whether you like it or not." I say sounding determined as he chuckles, not even trying to object and says back, "At this point Garrett I wouldn't expect anything less from you. See you soon." He says hanging up the call as I put my phone away and the parents are there waiting to hear what was said to me since we know the basics. "Officer Smith called me to try to make me feel better saying Lilly has been asking about me, talking about how she needs to get back to me and that she is feeling the same way I am. So he was hoping that would help ease my mind and it does a little bit, knowing I'm not the only one feeling like this." I explain pretty quickly as they smile and nod. "Well of course, you have always been her savior, protector and relief all at the same time.. You're like the drug I can't tear my daughter away from." Mrs.Miller says to me playfully as I smile and shake my head. "There's that smile my daughter had been in love with and addicted to since forever.. Now get up stairs and take a nice relaxing shower to try to help calm your nerves and then we can head to the airport.. Once your done." She adds as I nod and head back up the stairs to do just that, getting ready to hopefully see my lady soon enough. I get up the stairs and into the spare room. I have some clothes with me but not much since I couldn't grab much to bring with me. But I head to the bathroom, starting the shower. Once the water is heated up I climb in and try to relax but that is way easier said than done by all means. I just try to think about how everything is ok because my Lilly Flower is ok, but that honestly doesn't easy my mind much. I just feel so lost, alone and incomplete without her here with me. This has been a crazy day of so many emotions and mostly the thoughts of losing my one and only.. I don't know what I would do without her because I haven't been able to really function without her for 14 years, what would I do for the rest of my life without her. That thought alone sends my heart racing so I just take a couple deep breathes in trying to calm my nerves because that's why I'm in here in the first place. I know that sounds dramatic, but I'm serious. I can't even get my mind off of her, no matter what I do, because everything reminds me of her.. From the sky that matches her eyes, to the clouds that are wavy and fluffy like her hair can be sometimes.. all the way to her favorite color that's all over this house because of her.. and even her kitten who has been attached to me since she is gone. Just being in the shower reminds me of our fun outside and inside before all that happened... Everything makes me think of her at some point and the only way I know I will feel better is if she is with me. Lillith's POV I get to the police station and of course like the heartless wolves that these reporters are, they have met up with us at the police station, just waiting to try to get a taste of the victim that's still covered in blood. The cops sheild me from intrusive pushing with their questions and views of my heartbroken self, as we make our way into the station.. I'm assuming by all the reporters around that this city isn't used to this kind of chaos and they are loving the idea of a exciting story to put into their bland news updates. But this is the chaos of my life falling apart before my very eyes, but trying to come back together.. This isn't just some exciting news story.. This is my actual life and that's what they don't care to realize as they parade my horrors for everyone to see.. Just trying to get more and more out of me and my life.. I'm not a drama showcase that they can keep poking at, in hopes to get more drama and information from. If you keep poking this bear you're going to get the claws, but that's what I'm trying to avoid, because I think that's what they are wanting for from me, is more to add on to this story.. So I just avoid their stares, inquiries and don't put in any statement, because like I said before, my life is none of their business whether they want it to be or not. I'm not going to be the girl paraded around a for everyone to see and know every little detail about, like some circus animal.. I'm a human being with feelings, whether they decide to realize that or not. We get inside of the police station and the cops lock the front doors so the reporters can't come in after us. I look up and around the room and I hate this already.. Everyone here knows who I am and what has happened to me.. I can tell by the sad pitifully filled stares that they are all giving me. I hate pity with a firey passion that consumes my soul and if that hoard of reporters weren't out front, I would leave this place right now.. It's almost not any better being in here, because yes these people aren't asking me questions like the reporters, but that's because they already know everything.. So no need to ask.. So is that really any better? No.. it's not much better, because I imagine that the reporters would be giving me the same looks once they found out the details to this story as well. I groan as the lead officer guides me in and tries to sheild me from their stares as well, telling them to get back to work. They all quickly move, leaving me alone for a moment and that helps slightly. He leads me to the back of the station that has showers and lockers for getting ready. He hands me my bag of clothing that they were able to grab me from the car that Jaxon had aquired for our trip. I watch the Officer turn around and gesture for someone to follow. I see a woman Officer walking in after him, as he instructs her. "I'm going to go put in a statement with your captain here, to hopefully suffice those reporters at least for now.. If you could please make sure no one comes in here, while she is trying to get cleaned up please and I'll be back as soon as I can." She nods taking orders standing guard at the door. The lead officer looks to me as he silently nods then leaving the room. I slowly make my way across the locker room and setting my clothing bag down next to the shower area. I strip down and set the bloodied clothes to the side instead of the trash like I would like because they might need it for evidence.. I really don't know though, but better safe then sorry. I turn on the shower as I let it heat up and step in. I feel the heated water cascade down my blood covered body. I didn't realize just by that little bit of contact, how much blood would get on me.. I have tiny splatters everywhere that are now dried on me, but the worst part is my hands.. They are completely covered and they even look dyed with it, but I hope not. I rub my hands together trying to get the blood off.. I don't know when the silent tears started but they are flowing as effortlessly as the droplets from the shower.. They all just blend in together, helping wash away all the blood from a great man.. It's hard knowing that this is the last bit of him that I will ever have and I'm just frantically getting rid of every last bit. It's heart breaking really, hence the tears. I just keep crying, wishing this day never happened and that this is all some horrible nightmare.. But of course I can't wake up from this nightmare, because this isn't a horrible dream it's just the effects of my shitty life, having a huge impact that I will never get rid of, no matter how much scrubbing I do.. This isn't a physical scar it's a mental one. I will never forget the look in his eyes as his life left his body, or the way his limp body felt under mine.. or how hard his blood is trying to stay dyed to my skin, but I won't let it.. But the one thing that I will never forget was the look in his eyes as he said his last words to me with that iconic knee weakening wink and grin of his.. I will never forget our last moments together. I know they were doing a countdown and it was only 10 seconds but man it felt like a lifetime in that moment with him. Like he said, I'm happy we got to be together in those last moments, I feel a little more at peace with how he went because he chose the way he wanted to go and even got to say goodbye like he wanted, which is more than most can say. Which will give me only a slight peace of mind, but something is better than nothing.This will help me when it comes to the closure I need. I have to really scrub multiple times over my skin to finally feel like I'm not still covered in his blood.. I know I can't see the blood anymore, but it's weird, it's like I can still feel it there and it's freaking me out honestly. So after the fifth time of scrubbing myself from head to toe, I decide it's time to get out and dressed. I stop the water as I wrap myself up tight in a towel before taking my clothes with me to a secluded part of the locker room, just drying myself off and getting dressed with some of my most comfortable clothes, because any type of comfort I'll accept with open arms. I throw my bag over my shoulder as I walk up to the officer. "Ma'am I left my bloodied clothes right there if you think they might need it for evidence.. If not then can you please throw it away for me. I don't want to touch them. It took me way too long to get all that blood off and I'm not taking the risk of getting more on me." I explain to her as she nods in response. She takes out a plastic bag, putting my clothing into it for evidence, as she follows me out of the locker room. We get back out to the main area and of course everyone starts to shoot their pitiful stares my way again, but luckily our attention is brought to the front doors as the captain and the lead officer are making their way back into the building from giving their statements. The lead officer gestures for me to follow him as he passes by. I follow without hesitation not wanting to be the center of attention anymore. We get into a room as they both close the door behind us, making me a little uncomfortable since I really don't know these two men are at all. "Hello Lillith we just need to get a couple facts straight and once we do that, you guys can head on back home ok?" The captain asks as I nod to just get this started. They question me here and there about everything from the beginning of this crazy situation, all the way to the end and of course I'm completely honest with them about everything, from his motive to his intentions for us, our future and how he planned to die the way he did, making it practically a suicide. They take all the notes they need, as they finally say we are good to go. Yes finally! I need to get out of this hell hole to hopefully give some normalcy back into my life.
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