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AURORA Hour and hours rolled by. I remained behind the cell doors gathered up, along with the rest of the people that he had taken from the club. Despite me pleading my innocence, despite me resisting to get into the car that he had opened. I was still bundled up like some sort of criminal. I had glared up at him as he unlocked my handcuffs and pushed me inside the cell. "Enjoy sobering up" he had said as he walked away without a second glance. "Step on my foot one more time and I'll bash your face in '' the scary man who stood next to me growled, his eyes throwing daggers. I tried not to let my gaze linger on his talons and shifted my gaze away entirely. I needed for something to happen, one way or another, I needed to be out of this place. I wondered if Diane would come back for me. I hoped she would, the thought of spending all night here made dread cling to the walls of my belly. The cell reeked of nicotine and sweat. I wanted to throw up already. I held on to the bars of the cell, feeling tears of frustration well up in my eyes. My body was heavy with exhaustion from standing for hours. I wished I hadn't listened to Diane. That's what got me Into the mess in the first place. "Aurora Knightley'' my head snapped up immediately. Hope welling up in my chest as the policeman, one of the people who I recognize amongst Kane's pack. Hope paved the way to relief as the cell door was opened and I was let out. My legs felt unsteady with exhaustion. "Hey. How come the weakling gets to come out early?" One of them behind the cell growled, holding on to the bars of the cell. His eyes shone with resentment as he looked at me and I shuddered when he bared his sharp yellow canines in a snarl. "Too bad. I had hopes of having her for dinner" nausea clogged my throat as I spotted the wicked glint in his eyes. I scurried behind the police man as he snapped at them to tone it down, when the grumbling became too loud. I walked closely behind as I followed him out. I frowned in confusion when I spotted someone standing close to Kane. I could tell who it was from the coppery brown hair. Emmet stood, his face contorted in rage at something Kane had said. Kane loomed over him effortlessly. His face was impassive and cold as he stared down at him. "He came to bail you," the policeman beside me said. Emmet's eyes sizzled with rage. Any minute from now, he was going to do something irrational. I knew that because I've known him all my life. Patience wasn't exactly a strong trait of his. "Emmet" I called out to him, making my way towards him. His eyes softened as they landed on me, his shoulders visibly sagging with relief when I ran into his open arms. My heart swelled with gratitude. He was the reason that I was getting out of this hell hole. Diane didn't care that you were withering away in a cell. As usual. I ignored it, maybe she didn't come because she didn't want to encounter Kane's wrath. But you'd do it for her wouldn't you? You'd move mountains. "I came as soon as I heard," he said, engulfing me in his arms. He's been looking out for me all his life, since we were kids. Now wasn't any different. "Hate to break the reunion. But you should really get out before I revoke the bail and push her back into the cell" Kane said, icy sarcasm dripping from his voice. I pulled away from Emmet glaring at him. "You really don't have to be an ass all the time you know" I snapped, I could see kane's eyes darken with something I couldn't recognize. His eyes lingered briefly on our joined hands and his eyes flashed with something dark but I must have been imagining it. "Would you like to see how much of an ass I can be ?" He smirked. I didn't doubt that he'd actually follow through on his threat of making me go back in there. My grip tightened on Emmet's hand as I pulled him towards the exit, I simply wanted to be out of this place. So much had already happened this night already. Emmet shot him venomous glare as he allowed me to guide him towards the exit. I could feel the hair on the back of my neck, standing on end under the intense glare of Kane. I didn't dare look back but I knew he was still glaring into the back of my head, shooting invisible daggers maybe. I sighed in relief when the feel of the breeze hit my face. "Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" Emmet scanned my face, looking for injuries. "I'm fine. Thanks to you" I smiled weakly. "How did you know that I got arrested?" "I was supposed to meet up with you and Diane at the club. I got told by the bartender that you were taken away by Kane, so I had to come here to get you out" My stomach sank in disappointment. So it wasn't Diane then. Somehow I had hoped even if she didn't come out to bail me out of this mess, she would at least told Emmet. I wondered if she even cared about me spending the night in the stations. Emmet placed his jacket over my shoulders, handing me an extra helmet from his bike. It was morning already, I could already see glimmers of the sunrise. I climbed Into the back seat, wrapping my arms tightly around his waist for support. In the next fifteen minutes, Emmet parked in my driveway. I sighed in relief and then frowned in confusion, when I saw my mother standing on the door way. As I approached her, she raised an eyebrow at me, silently demanding an answer. This certainly couldn't be good.
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