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AURORA "In a club. Really?" My mother raised an eyebrow at me in question. I stood fixed on the spot. So many thoughts running through my mind. My father came out to stand beside her and even though the way he looked at me showed sympathy. I could still see the disappointment in his eyes. "I can explain" I looked at my mother pleadingly. I could feel the exhaustion creeping up on me and all I wanted to do was just crawl up in my bed and sleep for a long time. "Diane's upstairs. She was worried and she came looking for you. She didn't know your whereabouts" my father said and I was conflicted between being angry and considering. At least she came. At least she was worried about me to come. When are you ever going to learn your lesson? She doesn't care about you? She never has. Emmet stood, silently watching from a distance. I could tell that he was already worried about me getting chewed out by my parents. My mother shot him an appreciative smile which he returned, he nodded in greeting acknowledging the both of them and then zoomed off. "Go upstairs, get some rest and when you return. We're going to have a serious talk about your life decisions Aurora" my father said. I was too tired to argue, to plead my innocence. I've been doing that for the past couple of hours and I was too exhausted to the point that even talking would drain me on the spot. I headed upstairs to my room to find Diane rested casually on my bed. The short skimpy dress she wore last night was replaced by a big tshirt and a big pair of sweats. Her face was also make-up free. I tried not to feel irritated at her hypocrisy and I pushed the feeling away before it could begin to blossom into resentment. "You're back," she said. I remained silent, kicking off my shoes. I couldn't wait to rip off this damn dress off my body. I don't think I want to follow Diane anywhere again. "Why didn't you come to look for me at the station?" I turned to face her, raising an eyebrow at her in question. She looked taken aback for a moment. "I knew what you did last night" she said, adjusting to the edge of the bed. "What are you even talking about?" I frowned at her in confusion. "You think I don't know?" Anger crept into her eyes as her face contorted into a mean glare. "You got arrested on purpose" she snapped at me. I blinked in shock. For a long moment, I was unable to recognize her. I was unable to recognize the resentment that she regarded me with. I sighed. "Why on earth would I even do that?" "Oh I don't know? So you could get close to Kane. I know you've been eyeing him for a long time. I've seen the way you look at him" she said. "Don't be ridiculous. You know that's not even true. I've warned you about him on several occasions" I snapped, feeling the reign on my temper snapping. "Only because you want him for yourself. Why the hell would he even arrest you when you didn't even do anything wrong?"she snapped back. He wanted to prove a point. He's a sadist who derives pleasure from making my life miserable. "He arrested me because he's a douchebag. Always have been, always will be. You insinuating that I want him is quite insulting. Don't you think?" I narrowed my eyes on her. She opened her mouth to shoot any retort when my mother called for me. I don't know what made me rush down immediately. Maybe it was because I could sense the panic in her voice. Diane followed behind closely. My face paled at the sight of the pine court officials who spoke with my mother. No no. Not now. Please not now. My mother turned to look at me with worried eyes and she said the next words that I dreamed. "They've come to see if you're suitable to recruit for the calling. Both of you actually. My mom said, I stood in the spot for a moment, unable to move for a long minute. No. This couldn't be happening to me. I wasn't ready, I wasn't mentally prepared for this. One of the court officials pinned me with a hard gaze. "It would be best if you come outside and stand with the others" I shot my mother a pleading and my mother knew, we've always known that I didn't want to be aligned with anything that had to do with the calling anyway. I had no interest in joining or being recruited. I could feel my legs moving against my will as Diane placed a persuasive hand on my shoulder. My legs suddenly felt heavy, unstable as I obeyed the court official. I headed out along with Diane to join the other young people from the neighborhood, who were gathered around on the lawn. I could feel my heart pounding wildly within my chest. I was almost close to emptying the contents of my stomach on my lawn. Breathe. You still have a way out. It's not like you're even fit to be in the calling. Anyone with common sense could see it. I stood ramrod straight as the court officials inspected us. "Breathe" Diane clutched my hands in hers when she noticed me fidgeting slightly. I watched as a group of people were separated and names were called. I tried to ignore the constriction in my chest and calm my racing nerves until I heard Diane's name being called. We exchanged glances, her eyes rounded in shock as she looked at me. My heart plummeted. Yes, she could be extra sometimes and she could be very extreme but I don't don't know what I would do without her if she left. She's always been my support system, she's always been a huge part of my life. "Aurora Knightley'' My heart dropped instantly.
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