Chapter 22

1340 Words

I wake to gentle kisses along my shoulder blade as work-worn hands push my hair out of the way. Sighing, I lean back into Anders, and he happily wraps an arm around me, holding me close. He kisses my shoulder so gently, moving across my back, eliciting the smallest gasps from me, but then I remember yesterday. I remember the night before. I remember black eyes that changed to his blue, and back to black. He was so sore yesterday. I was scared when I saw him as a wolf, but not nearly as scared as seeing the strong man I've grown to love move so slowly and with so much pain. He winced with every move, and it broke my heart each time. The woman in the dream mentioned a curse, but is that it? He turns into a wolf? I roll in his arms, placing my hand on his cheek as I look up into h

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