Chapter 90

1054 Words

*Ellie* I wake and am disoriented, unsure where I am. It takes me a moment, but I finally remember. We’re in Erik’s home. Mani is sound asleep on the bed next to me, completely unconcerned with the new location we find ourselves in. I sigh. I agreed to this. I need to figure it out. I roll over to get out of bed, but as I do, nausea hits again. I sit there for a moment, taking deep, cleansing breaths while I will myself not to be sick. It passes, so I stand and go to find my husband. It doesn’t take long, for I hear him as soon as I step out of our room. I smile, but the words I hear make me pause in the shadows. “You would really share Ellie with me?” I hear Anders ask. “If she wants it,” Erik tells him, causing my stomach to drop. Would he? “If she doesn’t, though, there’s no

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