
1732 Words

Yesterday, Mark bought me new boots. I was grateful for it. I managed to help him with the booklets but I preferred to work in the boardroom, so that I wouldn't see Ivy. Mark understood. I got everything done. My dad wasn't home. He texted me that he was going out with friends. I know what that means, there will be women as well. I really need to hook my dad up with Jackie. I want him to settle down and not have this lifestyle of women. Today is the big meeting so I got to work earlier. Ivy has been in her office since they got to work. I'm guessing that after what happened yesterday, Mark must've told her something so that she doesn't bother us. I'm happy about it. Mark is wearing a black three-piece suit, he looks so good in all of it. I follow after him into the boardroom with half of

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