The Boots

1727 Words

After getting home last night, I went straight to bed. I wasn't in a mood to talk to my dad. I wanted to be alone with my thoughts and to figure these things out. I couldn't sleep at all, and I don't have the energy for the day. But I have to get my business plan and to find something on Ivy. Today I decide to wear blue skinny jeans and a long black sleeved blouse, a formal black jacket and the black boots that Mark gave me when my heel broke. I go down the hallway but Mark and Ivy are already there. I walk to my desk, I don't bother to look into their offices. I settle in at my desk and I wait for Sam to show up so that I can have coffee with him. After everything that Mark told me yesterday, I feel that I have to keep my distance, being at the office will be strictly professional. I do

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