
1059 Words

I didn't sleep at all last night again. I was thinking about Gray. She didn't call me back and she didn't answer her calls after I tried to call again. My mind is only focused on her and nothing else. I want to know if she is okay and where she is to have a peace of mind. Not knowing those things is driving me crazy on the inside. I sit at my desk. This time, as I look up, I see Sam sitting at Gray's desk. Ivy and her father enter my office and I remain seated. "Mark, it's good to see you again, after recently" Mr Sanders says as he takes a seat across from me, Ivy takes a seat next to him. "So what is this deal that you want to make?" I ask, getting to the point. " Seeing that Ivy is pregnant with your child, I think that this is perfect to make most of the company into travelling.

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