Lies To My Ears

1444 Words

Mark's POV We drive home from work, but there is silence. Usually Ivy talks a lot and I just let her. Tonight, something is going on, but I don't bother to ask because I don't feel like talking about anything to her, she is not worth wasting a breath. As we stop at the traffic lights, I just wish that I could just be alone. It would've been better if Gray had been sitting beside me. I sigh. I want to hear her voice, but she just won't answer my calls. "Mark, there is something that I want to tell you" Ivy says, with a little bit of caution. As if she is concocting something. I know her well. "Well, spit it out" I say, tightening my grip on the steering wheel, trying to calm my annoyance as I continue to look ahead of me. "I'm pregnant." I won't lie, but my heart stops for a little m

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